July 13, 2016

Yeah, I Want To Read This

There’s a new artist’s rendering of the Star Wars land being built at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. The 14-acre addition (similar to the one being built at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida) will be the biggest single-theme expansion at the parks in history. Obviously this concept image tilts toward the fantastical. Still, Disney has said it does represent some of the attractions that will be included. Let’s fly a little closer and see what we can find ….

Source: – Star Wars Land – Disneyland releases new images – EW.com

July 11, 2016

Calm The F Down About The Ghostbusters Reboot

Holy crap! Can everyone calm the f down about the Ghostbusters reboot?

English: The Ghostbusters ectomobile emergency...

English: The Ghostbusters ectomobile emergency vehicle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Apparently not.

As far as I can tell, the insanity started as soon as the new movie was announced. Fans (and I use the term loosely; crazy people is probably more accurate) of the original 1984 film began to FREAK THE FUCK OUT because someone had the nerve to make a new movie featuring female ghostbusters. (Which, by the way, passes spell-check muster. I don’t whether to smile or weep.)

I’ve been irritated by the term “raping my childhood” since I first heard it, I think back when the first of Michael Bay’s “Transformers” flicks hit theaters. While I can’t say I loved (or even saw) all of Bay’s movies, I can say that I don’t believe in the idea that something new ruins the memory of something old. It’s called show business folks. Not show fun. Not “Preserve In Amber Some Nudnik’s Memory of a Movie.” Grow up. Seriously.

The answer to the question “why are they making a new Ghostbusters movie?” is simple — MONEY. That’s the reason almost all movies are made, certainly Hollywood blockbusters/tentpoles.

Leslie Jones, one of the stars of the new film, wrote a series of tweets taking the “haters” (another term I don’t like, but for more complicated reasons) to task, asking the sensible question, “what will you tell your daughter” when they ask about being a Ghostbuster for Halloween. I would add “what will you tell your son?” There is no reason for the kind of vituperative language being thrown around online, regardless of the subject matter, but ESPECIALLY when the subject is A FUCKING MOVIE.

Movies are important to me. Anyone who reads this site even casually will notice a lot of movie references, and I went a little crazy about The Avengers movie when it came out in 2012. (Was it really four years ago? Oy.) I went crazy in a good way; I was excited to see a movie featuring some of my favorite superheroes onscreen together. Back in 2012, that was a novelty rather than the norm. (Again — was it only four years ago? Yes. Yes it was.)

Had I not liked The Avengers, I don’t imagine I would have spent countless hours writing blog posts telling everyone how much I didn’t like it. I might complain to my friends, at least those who are still willing to discuss such things with me. But taking the time to type out blog posts, or worse, making a video to tell the world how and why I think Hollywood did something wrong? Please. I have other ways to spend my time.

Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe the people who are taking the Internet to “troll” (yet another term I’m not a fan of, although I like it more than “hater” because at least it has history), leaving comments on YouTube and other places, maybe these folks simply have too much time on their hands.

Really though, what I wish is that everyone would CALM DOWN. Take a deep, cleansing breath, and consider that perhaps this level of anger over a movie you haven’t seen (remember that this started way back when the film was first announced) is waaaay too intense. I’m not even getting into the whole “How dare they make a movie with female Ghostbusters” thing. That’s crazy too. But even before we get to that, can’t we just stop losing our effing minds over movies? And while we’re at it, maybe stop screaming at people online, typing things that we would never say in person? We don’t have to all get along. We can, however, be more civil.

Source: Leslie Jones slams sexist Ghostbusters haters: ‘What will you tell your daughter’? (EW.com)

Wanna watch the original movie? Guess what? You can! There’s this thing called Amazon, and they rent digital movies! They even sell DVDs! Crazy, right?

July 3, 2016

Lots of Star Trek Comics for Not Much Money

Wants lots of Star Trek comics for not much money? We gotcha covered.

English: Fireworks

English: Fireworks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well, Humble Bundle does.

What’s Humble Bundle? Read on.

Pay what you want for Star Trek comics and support charity!

Humble Bundle is… well, here’s a quote from their web site:

At Humble Bundle, we put the power directly in the hands of consumers. You pay what you want for downloadable content and choose where your money goes. Through this model and the help of the Humble Bundle community, we’ve raised over $75M for charity.
So how does it work? We put together bundles of games and books that can be purchased at whatever price you think is fair. Once you’ve chosen a price, you can choose whether you want your money to go to the game developer or book publisher, charity, or Humble Bundle. We also offer the Humble Store, a digital storefront that features individual games at set prices with frequent discounts and a portion of sales going to select charities.

No idea what I’m talking about, orjust want me to cut to the chase? Basically, Humble Bundle gets a bunch of stuff (video games, comics, books) bundles them together and allows people (you) to pay whatever they want for it. The money goes to charity, and you get to decide what percentage of your money goes where. It’s very easy and you get to feel good about consuming mass quantities of digital stuffs because it’s for charity. Also you get a lot for your money.

In this case, we’re talking about $351 worth of digital comics for… well, the most anyone has paid as of this writing is $51.06. The average is $14.26. All Star Trek comics. I’ve read some of them and “Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive” is worth $14.26 all by itself. (Seriously. It’s really fun. Much better than it has any right to be.) The same could be said for “Star Trek: Year Four“, which is a comic book version of the fourth year of the Enterprise’s five-year mission. (Remember? it was a five-year mission that was canceled by the Gods of Television.) A lot of the others are good too, and those are just the comics I’ve read. You get a LOT MORE.

Check it out. Share with your kids. It’s easy because the comics are provided with no DRM, meaning you can copy them to whatever device you choose. If you go above a certain amount you even get a print book.

It’s a good deal, folks. Check it out. Limited time offer; your mileage may vary. DaddyTips takes no responsibility for anything.

Source: Humble Comics Bundle: Star Trek presented by IDW (pay what you want and help charity)

Star Trek Comics on Amazon

June 30, 2016

Drive a Honda or Acura? Read This

If you drive a Honda or an Acura, you should read this.

Feds warn more than 300,000 Hondas and Acuras pose grave risk of exploding airbags and should be parked until fixed.

Got that? I’m not going to go into specifics because all the info you need is on CNN.com. Check their site for model numbers and specifics. Link is below. But when I saw “exploding airbags” I said, “you know what? I’m going to do my part to let folks know about this.”

So, you know, Honda and Acura owners/drivers, check it out. Could be fine. But take a look. Just to be on the safe side.

Source: Stop driving these Hondas right now, says regulator (CNN)

1 Comment | Tags: | Posted under Blog

June 27, 2016

Getting a Stylus Unstuck From a 3DS Slot (Tips)

Having trouble getting a stylus unstuck from a 3DS slot? Me too! Not my 3DS, my kid’s. I don’t have a 3DS.

You know what? I did it! It’s a grand day in DaddyLand. How did I do it? Read on, true believer.

English: Two examples of styli that work with ...

English: Two examples of styli that work with the Nintendo DS Lite. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So. Something is stuck in the stylus slot of a 3DS, DSi, or any device that uses a stylus. (I would say Palm Pilot but then you would think I was old. Oh wait…)

I was having no luck using a bent paperclip.

paperclip no

This did not work

However! After deciding that my methods (which also included a pliers, screwdriver and a strange tool from my computer fixing kit) were insufficient, I turned to the Interwebs. There I found a post on the site fixya that suggested… a screw.


screw yes

The screw worked!


Here’s what I did that worked: I gently (VERY GENTLY, the opposite of writing in all caps) inserted the screw into the slot (oh, behave) and twisted, again, very, very gently. The goal is to get whatever is stuck unstuck, not break the device. That would be bad. After a bit of twisting and a bit of pulling — all very gentle — I managed to get the thing out of the slot.


Hopefully this tip helps any parents stuck (pun intended) trying to get a stylus or other foreign object out of their child’s Nintendo device.

Shop Nintendo stuff on Amazon

thank you to the fixya users at this post

June 23, 2016

Visual Thinking – Classic Muppets Video

Classic Muppets from… well, a long time ago. Here is… visual thinking.


h/t The AV Club

June 15, 2016

Baby Groot is Still Cute

This “wood plush puppet” (not sure what that is but OK) proves that Baby Groot is still cute. From Entertainment Earth, not available until July 2016, because San Diego Comic-Con.

But look! Isn’t he sooo cute? $8.99. Don’t you want one? I kinda do. I mean, for the kids. Of course. Definitely for the kids. Toys. For kids. Or adults. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone!

Description from Entertainment Earth’s email:

Measuring a little more than 4-inches tall, this potted Groot wooden push puppet features hand-painting along with some decal elements. Designed similarly to vintage-styled push puppets, you can move the push puppet in various directions depending on how you push the hidden button on the bottom of the pot – providing hours of wobbly fun. And well, because it’s only right… this charming collectible celebrating the extraterrestrial, sentient tree-like creature is crafted out of solid wood, of course!

So it’s solid wood, and is somehow “similar” to plush puppets. “Hours of wobbly fun.” There’s a phrase for you.

If you need reminding, or just want to see Baby Groot dance to the full Jackson 5 song “I Want You Back”, someone did that and posted it to YouTube. Because we love people who do that type of stuff.

Source: Groot 4-Inch Wood Push Puppet – Convention Exclusive – Bif Bang Pow! – Guardians of the Galaxy – Novelties at Entertainment Earth