Dec 11 2013

Cookie Monster in ‘Lord Of The Crumbs’

Part 2 of The Hobbit movie (or, as I call it, “there and back again and again and again”) hits theaters soon. This Sesame Street ‘Lord of the Rings’ parody starring Cookie Monster as Gobble in ‘Lord of the Crumbs’ is much shorter and probably better. Which one takes more liberties with Tolkein’s source material is debatable.

DaddyTips Featured Video

Cookie Monster stars in new ‘Sesame Street’ ‘Lord of the Rings’ parody | Hero Complex – movies, comics, pop culture – Los Angeles Times.

Dec 10 2013

Tom Hiddleston teaches Cookie Monster about Delayed Gratification

Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki Laufeyson from Thor and The Avengers, made a video for PBS in which he, well, teaches Cookie Monster about the concept of delayed gratification. Really.

Tom Hiddleston teaches Cookie Monster about delayed gratification.

Yes, this is what happens in the video.

It’s not clear that this is a Sesame Street thing since it’s from the PBS YouTube channel. There’s also this weird camera angle switching; every time they do it, the clip changes from color to black and white. Not the typical Sesame Street style. That said, it’s a video of  Tom Hiddleston discussing the concept of self-control with Cookie Monster, and it’s only two minutes long. You’ve wasted more time than that on videos that are far less worthy. Check it out, right here, right now. You are burdened with glorious purpose.

‘Thor’ star Tom Hiddleston teaches Cookie Monster about patience | Hero Complex – movies, comics, pop culture – Los Angeles Times.

Oct 14 2013

Video: Baton Fire at High School Football Game

Via Deadspin, video of a fire at a high school football game that was caused by flaming batons.

The game was not in Baton Rogue. Ba-dum-bum.

Best part is the commentary by whoever shot the video. “That’s a fire!” “Gatorade! Gatorade!” Also, it looks like the cheerleaders/dancers never stop doing their thing. Because it’s only a fire.

Youth sports.  Never a dull moment.

Baton-Twirling Legend Causes Fire At High School Football Game

Oct 09 2013

30 Rock – Therapy, Jack Style (Video)

30 Rock has finished it’s run on NBC, but it is in syndication and there are video clips to be found all over the Interwebs. This particular bit, in which Jack Donaghy (played by Alec Baldwin) acts out Tracy Jordan’s (née Morgan) entire family during a therapy session, is one of my favorites.

(The episode is called Rosemary’s Baby and apparently it is one of “Tina’s Top 5” according to Amazon. Nice to know I have good taste. I mean, it’s Tina Fey‘s show and she thinks this episode is one of the best, so do I, and… OK, I’ll stop now.)

Why post this video on DaddyTips? Because despite the fact that, y’know, they’re trying to make you laugh (it works for me every time), there is a more than a hint of what it’s like to be in therapy dealing with Daddy Issues. Granted, this isn’t a typical session. But it works for Tracy. The character, not the actor. I have no idea if Tracy Morgan has ever been in therapy or if he has any need/desire to be.

Anyway, before I talk myself into a corner, here’s the clip. Enjoy. Read more »

Sep 24 2013

Draw My Life – Ryan Higa – YouTube

This video by popular YouTuber Ryan Higa (10 million subscribers and counting) surprised me. Not only does it feature no profanity, it’s intelligent, positive, and offers a reasonable message that… I’m hesitant to type these words, but it actually communicates something that might be worth sharing with your children.

DaddyTips Featured Video

I’m not saying “THIS VIDEO WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE DOOD GO GET YOUR OFFSPRINGS NOW NOW NOW”. I’m not even expressing that sentiment in a more coherent and less caps-locky manner. But Mr. Higa has a pleasant style and not only did I watch all seven minutes of his Draw My Life video, I was rather charmed by it.

(Aside: I suppose “Draw My Life” is a YouTube thing. Who knew? Probably lots of people, just not me.)

Without giving anything away (“no spoilers!”), Mr. Higa does indeed draw his life. Much of it deals with his time in school which makes sense because he was born in 1990. (You may pause to feel old now. It’s OK, we’ll wait.) When he mentioned bullying I thought “oh boy, here we go.” But he handles the topic gracefully, far better than anything I’ve seen so far. He manages to say that yes, it sucked, but also doesn’t try to tell people that his lot was as bad as many other people’s. He also points out that he was lucky to have a loving family. (That part is at the beginning so it’s NOT a spoiler.)

Bottom line: I like Ryan Higa’s Draw My Life video. So much content, online and in traditional media, is hurtful and negative. Higa manages to be positive, funny, and entertaining. It’s probably the first time I watched a YouTube video that is entirely original content without drifting away. Give it a look, maybe you’ll like it too.

Draw My Life – Ryan Higa – YouTube.

Sep 15 2013

All Three Manning Brothers on The Simpsons

Here’s a video of Cooper, Eli, and Peyton, all three Manning Brothers, on The Simpsons.

Cooper, Eli, and Peyton Manning on Simpsons – YouTube.

See also: Father and Son Quarterbacks

Sep 10 2013

Get Lucky In Mario Paint Composer (Video)

This is fun. Via The Mary Sue, which is a really good site that we don’t read often enough.

Daft Punk’s Get Lucky Performed In Mario Paint Composer | The Mary Sue.