June 11, 2015

Sick Selfies App To Encourage Vaccinations

An man in Albuquerque, New Mexico is working on a sick selfies app to encourage vaccinations.

From the article on KRQE.com:

Here’s how the app works. You take a selfie or a photo of a friend. You can then select the photo and adjust it through the app so that your face is framed up. Then comes the part that’s supposed to get you thinking- you can give yourself measles or small pox, the only disease that’s been eradicated in the wild.

Here’s the video:

Creepy? Maybe. OK, definitely. The comments on the story are equally creepy though:

How sick! Vaccination is an organised [sic] criminal enterprise dressed up as disease prevention by means of junk science.

Yeah. Because that’s true. #sarcasm

The app does seem like a weird way to get parents to vaccinate their kids. But as the comment above shows, anti-vaccination folks are a tough crowd to convince.

On a related note, I may have to start checking the news in Albuquerque for weird stories. It’s no Florida, but only because nothing — NOTHING — compares to Florida when it comes to wild and wacky stories. But Albuquerque could have items worth posting. I found this “sick selfies app” story because of the bikers who helped a 5-year-old girl when she was bullied.

Source: App aims to encourage vaccinations with sick selfies | KRQE News 13

June 10, 2015

Watch These Creepy New Justice League Cartoons

I’ve said many times that I am a huge fan of the DC Animated Universe (sometimes called the Timm-verse, in honor of Bruce Timm). My personal favorite is Justice League, both regular and Unlimited. (Most people say Batman: The Animated Series is better but they’re wrong.) Now Bruce Timm has returned to his old stomping grounds… sort of. Here’s the scoop:

DaddyTips Featured Video

Justice League: Gods and Monsters is a full-length animated movie that will be released on Blu-Ray, DVD and digital download on July 28. But you don’t have to wait that long to get a taste of what it will be like. There are three shorts, two available now, one more coming on Friday. The title is Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles. Here are the first two episodes, “Twisted” and “Bomb”. Do NOT watch them with your kids. They are creepy. Seriously. I mean it. Read more »

June 9, 2015

I Might Have To Buy This

For my kids of course. For my kids.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Dancing Groot Solar Powered Body Knocker (Midtown Comics)

June 5, 2015

Vote in Crown Royal “Your Hero’s Name Here”

Only two days left to vote for your favorite hero in Crown Royal‘s “Your Hero’s Name Here” program. Voting ends on June 7th. Details are below.

Crown Royal Pagoda Suite, inside

As DaddyTips readers know, we’ve been participating in the Crown Royal “Your Hero’s Name Here” events for awhile now. This year there are five Crown Heroes finalists, and they’ve each made a video. Here they are, in a convenient YouTube playlist.

Watch, pick your favorite guy or gal, and head over to CrownRoyalHeroes.com to vote. Voting limited to adult consumers only. Drink responsibly.

Here is a photo gallery of each of the Heroes, along with the official 2015 logo for the race, which will be held on July 26, 2015 at The Brickyard, aka the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, aka IMS. (We were there last year. It’s a cool place and a fun event. You should go.)

Margy Bons Jeff Kyle Hector Manley

Brendan Marrocco

U.S. Army Sgt. Brendan Marrocco, visits Joint Craig Theater Hospital medical staff during Operation Proper Exit at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan May 28, 2014. The program is intended to gain a sense of commonality and pride for soldiers severely injured in the line of duty. Marrocco talked about his experience and injuries while deployed. Marrocco is currently retired and a native of Staten Island, New York. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Evelyn Chavez/Released)

Benjamin Parker YHNH 2015 Brickyard 400 Race Logo


Don’t forget to vote at CrownRoyalHeroes.com! You have until Sunday, June 7.

June 4, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron Science Fact?

There’s a bit in Avengers Age of Ultron that involves a machine that prints skin. (I’m simplifying.) This technology even leads to the creation of a really cool character. (I won’t say which one in case you haven’t seen the movie yet. Although if not, what exactly have you been doing with your time? I mean, sheesh.) It would appear that what I thought was mere science-fiction is becoming science fact.

(The photo below has nothing to do with this post. But it could one day! 3-D Eyeball Printers!)

Deutsch: Zentrale Heterochromie: Grüne Iris, u...

Deutsch: Zentrale Heterochromie: Grüne Iris, um die Pupille herum jedoch ein braun-gelber Ring (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

L’Oreal is working on a 3-D printer that can print human skin.

“Print” should probably be in quotes. Basically they’re using a machine to create skin cells to replace human skin that’s burned or otherwise damaged. Read the Wired article for more.

Eventually, of course, this same technology could be used to create an entire body. For now that’s science-fiction instead of science fact. But who knows what the future holds.

h/t Top Tech Blog (via Scott Adams. Yes, the Dilbert guy. He blogs about interesting stuff and has other folks blogging about interesting stuff on his behalf.)

Source: Inside L’Oreal’s Plan to 3-D Print Human Skin | WIRED

June 3, 2015

Bikers Help Out Bullied 5-year-old Girl

This is a neat news story, not only because it’s about bikers helping a 5-year-old girl with a disability after she was bullied (serious bullying, as in beaten up on her way home from school). The accompanying video, from KRQE in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has several fun moments. Best line: “I’m actually a nurse.”

A group of Albuquerque bikers came to 5-year-old Albuquerque girl’s rescue this week.

Source: Bikers come to 5-year-old bullied girl’s rescue | KRQE News 13

June 1, 2015

GoodSense Aller-Ease Tablets – DaddyDeal

DaddyDeal on GoodSense Aller-Ease Tablets, 120 Count bottle for $27.74. Regular price is $36.99.

Since Amazon did the math for me, here’s the breakdown:

At the regular price of $36.99, this bottle of 120 tablets costs $0.31 per tablet.

At the DEAL price of $27.74, the same bottle of 120 tablets costs $0.23 per tablet.

Who says this isn’t the DaddyTips age of copying someone else’s work?

It’s also a 25% discount. So if you happen to use these particular allergy tablets, you may want to buy them, and quickly, because it’s an Amazon Lightning Deal, which means it will expire soon. Caveat buyor.

Source: Amazon.com: GoodSense Aller-Ease Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets, 180 mg, 120 Count: Health & Personal Care