Posts Tagged ‘writing’
Should I Stop Holding Back?
Believe it or not, I hold back a lot. Should I stop? Is it time to to really tell the world (whoever is listening/reading) what I actually think?
Some have told me that no good will come of me expressing my views. Not that I’ve never expressed an opinion. I was particularly harsh to Lance Armstrong, but I felt that he deserved it. (Plus I was ahead of the curve on that story.)
Ultimately this is a parenting blog. It is called DaddyTips. The original idea was to offer, you know, tips. That isn’t always easy because a lot of parenting advice comes from my actual experiences as a father. Why is this an issue? Because I don’t like writing about my kids too much. I don’t use their names, I don’t post their photos, and I think they have a right to privacy.
Note: I know this isn’t what everyone does, and I respect people who make different decisions on this matter. Except for Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin. Them I find irritating and always did. Here’s the proof. Notice what I wrote at the end, that perhaps Jon could get a regular job. I wrote that in 2009. This has now happened.
At least he’s not in a van down by the river! MT @ABCNewsEnt Jon Gosselin…living in a cabin
— Brett Singer (@brettsinger) September 19, 2013
And yes, quoting yourself is tacky but it makes fact-checking easier. I will keep writing that until somebody tells me to stop.
Anyway, back to the original topic of whether or not I should hold back. Someone suggested to me recently that they thought I was out of control. There’s a lot more to that story that I’m not going to share because it’s too personal and involves details I prefer not to discuss in public. I have always felt strongly that one way to avoid being “out of control” is to vent. Get it out. Rant, if that helps.
I don’t know. It’s difficult to decide.
Is there a tip here? There is. The tip is to consider whether or not sharing certain things on the Interwebs is good for you or for your kids. It might be. Or not. But like Dora says, let’s stop and think for a minute.
Meet YA Author Kristi Cook (Get Out)
As part of DaddyTips ongoing efforts to get you to leave the house, here’s an event you can take your tween/teen kids to — a chance to meet YA Author Kristi Cook on Friday, September 13th, 6 p.m. at The Voracious Reader (1997 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538, Phone: 914-630-4581; map link).
More details are below.
Join us for an exciting Friday the 13th evening with acclaimed YA author Kristi Cook and the finale of her Winterhaven Trilogy. Whether you’re new to the series, set in a boarding school for the paranormally gifted, or eagerly awaiting the mind-bending conclusion (no spoilers, we promise!), you’ll love meeting Kristi and her many fans as we talk about writing,romance, and spooky superstitions! There will be autographs, swag bags, photo ops and fun! And wait til you see our gorgeous butterfly adorned cupcakes! FREE event but please call ahead to reserve your spot. TEENS THROUGH ADULTS
Here are links to all of the books in the Winterhaven Trilogy.
Haven |
Mirage (Haven) |
Eternal (Haven) |
Find out more about Ms. Cook at her website, at her Amazon page, and also at this special event where you can meet her live and in person!
Meet YA Author Kristi Cook at The Voracious Reader ~ for young people with an appetite for books (Event Link)
Kristi Cook, Author (Amazon)
Also: Friday the 13th. Can’t help ourselves. Did you know the original movie came out in 1980 and Kevin Bacon is in it? Here’s the trailer. Note: is has nothing to do with the event mentioned above.
Grah! I Am Not Getting Anything Done
I am not getting anything done. This is frustrating.
I don’t think I need a book like Organizing For Dummies. First, I’m not a dummy. Second, the issue isn’t organization. It’s time.
Yes, there’s a book for that too. And it can bite me. (Technically it can’t, unless it’s one of those books from Harry Potter. But I digress.)
The issue for me is not managing time properly. The issue is not having any time to manage.
Parenting, as I’ve said often, is not easy. Raising kids takes time. Some of the things that one must do when raising kids are things that can only be done if said kids leave you alone for awhile. My kids are great. But I’m the type of person who needs multiple minutes in a row in order to accomplish anything significant. Starting a task — even, say, writing a blog post — and then getting interrupted (not always by kids) can and does derail my activity. This isn’t the case for everyone, but it is for me.
Then there’s relaxation. Downtime is a requirement for parents. It took me awhile to realize this, but trust me, it’s true. While it is true that the children eventually go to sleep and I could use that time to do various tasks, that’s not always a good idea. Because a tired dad is a cranky dad, and a cranky dad is no fun for anyone.
Eventually the stuff that absolutely must be done will in fact be done. Because that’s the way it is. This is how we do it. Letting important things slide is not an option. Starting and stopping and getting stymied is still annoying.
Dadding ain’t easy. See also: SAHD WAHD. Then call me a wahhhbulance.
48 Hour Computer Deals From Tiger Direct (DaddyDeals)
TigerDirect always has cheap prices on computer stuff. This particular pile of computer components is only on sale for 48 hours. Here’s the link to the DaddyDeal:
There’s a lot to choose from, including (as of this writing) a refurbished 27 inch LCD monitor for under 200 bucks. So go forth and shop! ‘Tis a wise human who saveth money on purchases.
Brett Singer Writing For ForbesWoman
I have a new gig writing for ForbesWoman. I’m covering gender in the workplace issues from a male perspective.
This is something I have a lot of opinions about. OK, I have a lot of opinions about everything. But this topic fits in with DaddyTips and other topics I’ve covered over the years.
Here are links to my first three posts: Read more »