Jul 30 2009

William Shatner Talks About Writing Star Trek Books

What more need be said?

Jul 28 2009

Five Year Old Sings Folsom Prison Blues


I discovered Johnny Cash somewhat late in my life. Not that my life is over, mind you. But I only started sampling the Man in Black around the time that he came out with his brilliant cover of the Nine Inch Nails song “Hurt.”

This kid, however, appears to have been exposed to Cash much earlier. Like five years old. Not only is he familiar with the music, he can sing Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues.”

Do we really believe the little guy when he sings, “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die”? No. But that’s OK. As Hannah points out over at Strollerderby, “After you check out little Wesley singing the Folsom Prison Blues at a coffee shop in Seattle, I think you’ll agree that this is far too awesome to be inappropriate.”

Here’s Cash doing the song himself. Watch both videos, then give me 500 words comparing and contrasting the two styles.

Strollerderby via Buzzfeed

Jul 23 2009

Jon Stewarts Attacks The Birthers


There’s a reason everybody loves this guy. Watch this.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Joke of the Day

Source: Huffington Post

For a transcript of Congressman John Campbell of California’s appearance on Hardball with Chris Matthews, where he says that President Barack Obama is a United States Citizen “as far as I know,” visit the Native Born Citizen blog.

Jul 23 2009

DadNews Daily – All Cheney Edition

Dick Cheney

Big Daddy Dick Cheney got all up in then-President George W. Bush’s grill when he was trying to get the Prez to pardon Scooter Libby. I have to admit, I wonder why Dubya didn’t issue the pardon. Not because Cheney was all up in his grill (isn’t that a phrase that white people need to stop using? Yes, it is) but because… well, why wouldn’t he just do it? He did a lot of other shit. (Huffington Post)

Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick, was unwilling to say that the maniacs who believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore not a citizen, or “birthers” as they are apparently called (I hate giving them a name), are nothing more than conspiracy theorists. She says that the “birthers”, or “lunatics” as I like to call them, are merely “uncomfortable” with President Barack Obama, who she says is “an American president who seems to be afraid to defend America.” She gives an example about Daniel Ortega and how the President should have reacted more strongly to his obnoxious speech, but mostly just spouts GOP Conservative Hive Mind catchphrases. James Carville, after babbling in that weird accent, eventually hits the nail on the head at the end of this video of his appearance with Lizzie C. on the Larry King Show. The video is worth watching, although it will probably make you mad. (Huffington Post)

Here’s the vid if you want to check it out right now:


Last Cheney item of the day: the Dick himself may have to testify in the CIA investigation. Ooo. That could be interesting. (Politico)

Image: Wikipedia

Jul 22 2009

Jane Fonda in Barbarella

They don’t make ’em like this anymore. They wouldn’t get away with it. Which is too bad. Because Jane looked hot in “Barbarella“.


More Barb stuff after the jump.

Read more »

Jul 21 2009

Good Argument For Wearing a Rubber



I get the desire to avoid wearing the love glove. But for me, the risks far outweigh the inconvenience. Besides, when you’re a teenager, you’ve been carrying the damn thing in your wallet forever by the time you actually get laid. Be a shame not to use it.

via BigGeekDaddy by way of Buzzfeed

Jul 21 2009

Andrew WK Makes Faces on Fox News

Musician Andrew WK made a dopey face while a dopey Fox News anchor asked him a dopey question. At least someone is being honest on that channel.


via Buzzfeed