Nov 23 2011

The Muppets Trailer, Avengers-Style [DaddyTube]

With The Muppets about to hit theaters (yayyyyy!!!), we wanted to make certain you saw this awesome Muppets parody trailer — Avengers-style. Read more »

Sep 14 2011

Airport Security Now Easier For Kids

Getting through the airport security line with your kids has just gotten a little bit easier.

The AP is reporting that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress, “Children 12 years old and younger soon will no longer be required to remove their shoes at airport security checkpoints,” and that there will be “other ways to screen young children without resorting to a pat-down that involves touching private areas on the body.”

Phew! No more Uncle Badtouch. Read more »

Sep 12 2011

Tip: Don’t Torture Your Kids On YouTube

DaddyTips Featured Video

In general, if you’re going to do something stupid to your children, don’t do it in public. Today’s tip is don’t torture your kids on YouTube. Especially if you don’t want to criticized, like the dopey dad who posted the viral video “I don’t want to turn black”.

If you haven’t seen it, you’re lucky. If you’re curious, here’s the gist. Read more »

Aug 30 2011

Tip: Teach Your Children About Music [DaddyTips]

Teaching your children about music does not mean exposing them to Gregorian Chants and Edgard Varese. Or even (shudder) opera. (Unless you like opera. That’s your burden to bear.) I’m talking about the basics. Today’s DaddyTip is Teach Your Children About Music.

This came up the other day when we were in the car and Led Zeppelin came on the radio. “Who’s Led Zeppelin?” my son asked. Read more »

Aug 16 2011

Brett Singer on CNN HLN Prime News [Video]

Brett Singer on CNN

In case you didn’t see Brett Singer on CNN HLN the other night, here is the video. Read more »

Aug 12 2011

Sarah Jessica Parker Talks Pairs On Sesame Street

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Some say Sesame Street works on two levels, one for kids and one for adults. This video of Sarah Jessica Parker talking about pairs with Elmo could be Exhibit A. Read more »

Aug 10 2011

Cameron Diaz and Grover on Sesame Street [DaddyTube]

DaddyTips Featured Video

Cameron Diaz and Grover talk trees on Sesame Street in today’s DaddyTips Featured Video. Read more »