Oct 01 2012

NSFW VIDEO Woman At Youth Soccer Game

DaddyTips Featured Video

Remember — we said this video of a woman streaking at a youth soccer game is NSFW, which means Not Safe For Work. OK? So don’t blame us if someone sees this and gets all angry and stuff.

The video will be after the jump. So you really can’t blame us at all.

We found it on Huffington Post’s “Weird News” section. Not that we ever read that sort of thing. No. Not here. Of course not. Ahem.

Our favorite line from the HuffPo writer is the following: Read more »

Sep 22 2012

Babies Gangnam Style (Video Link)

Here’s a link to some videos of babies whoopin’ it up Gangnam Style, via our pal Jeanne Sager at CafeMom. Warning: contains much cuteness.

5 ‘Gangnam Style’ Babies With Some Sweet Moves (VIDEOS) | The Stir.

Sep 22 2012

Jack Bauer Keeps Losing Things (Video)

Just a silly but amusing video compilation of Jack Bauer asking where various members of his family are located on 24.

Jack Bauer asks WHERE IT IS. – YouTube.

Posted under Blog, DaddyTube | 1 Comment »
Sep 07 2012

Bow To Your Soccerbot Overlords, Eventually

Among the many things our children will likely see in their lifetimes is fully functioning robots that can do more than simply clean our floors. Whether or not we parents will see such things depends upon both the pace of technology and how old we are. I’m old enough to be in the “maybe, maybe not” category.

According to this video from TheVerge of RoboCup 2012, I’m leaning towards “maybe not” for me being forced to fight the T-1000. The video features “the world’s best soccer robots [battling] it out in Mexico City for the Louis Vuitton Best Humanoid trophy”.

Best Humanoid Trophy. Kind of Orwellian, no?

Here’s the video.


Video: Real steel: the broken necks and baby steps of RoboCup 2012 (video) | The Verge.

Sep 04 2012

Ernie Busts Bert’s Chops Again

Another great Bert and Ernie Sesame Street video for your enjoyment. What made me post this one is at the beginning:

Bert: Isn’t he cute?

Ernie: Yeah, sure. Hey, listen…

It’s all in the timing. Trust me.

Sesame Street: Bert And Ernie Water Sports – YouTube.

Aug 26 2012

Video That Will Make You Never Let Your Kids Leave The House

Kids yelled at their Drunk Bus Driver to STOP! – YouTube.

Aug 15 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Launch Event

Samsung unveiled their latest tablet, the Galaxy Note 10.1 at a launch event in New York City today. We were there. It’s a cool piece of technology. Here is a promotional video.


First impressions: Read more »