Dec 16 2014

DaddyTips Comment 12-16-14 (Video)

Here it is, DaddyTips second semi-daily video commentary. On this day, 12-16-14, we talk about Hobbits and Hanukkah.

DaddyTips Featured Video

By the way, for those playing along at home — we shaved!

Thanks for watching. Once again, please let us know what you think, publicly or even privately if you prefer.

DaddyTips Comment, 12-16-14 from Brett Singer on Vimeo.

Here are the links mentioned in the video.

Xmas in Frisco, the terrific Internet Radio station that has been playing Electric Menorah songs during Chanukah for the past… 10 years? Is that possible? I think it’s been 10 years. Many thanks to them. Note: the station is not safe for work listening (depending upon where you work, of course) because sometimes they play songs with dirty words in them.  Anyway, here’s the link: (They have other good stations as well, but this is the only one that plays our music.)

The Hobbit: Book and Film Differences is a really great blog that delivers exactly what the title describes – the differences between The Hobbit films and The Hobbit book. Note that I said “films” and “book”. There’s only one book but there are three films. Have I mentioned that? I’ve actually really enjoyed reading this site, written by someone who goes by the handle Quoggy. Well worth checking out if you have even a passing interest in the subject matter. Here’s the link:

Last, but certainly not least, make sure to go to and click the button that says “Like”. That way we’ll know that you like us, you really really like us.

Happy Hobbit Hanukkah!

Dec 15 2014

DaddyTips Comment 12-15-14 (Video)

We’re going to try something new here at DaddyTips — a semi-daily video commentary on… well, whatever we want to talk about.

DaddyTips Featured Video

We’ll try to keep it brief and clean. We do not promise to shave. (This time we didn’t; we considered shaving and then re-doing the video but decided that would ruin the spontaneity of the clip. Also it would involve shaving.)

Today’s topics are excessive consumer surveys and the leaked emails from Sony Pictures.

So here it is! Let us know what you think, publicly or even privately if you prefer.

DaddyTips Comment, 12-15-14 from Brett Singer on Vimeo.

May 02 2014

Boo Boo Car On My Big Boy Burn (Tips)

I burned my hand. It hurts. I was holding an ice pack on it but that didn’t allow me to type and I have some work to do. I looked in my freezer for a better solution. Voilà. Boo boo car on my big boy burn, held in place with three rubber bands. Since this was a new solution to an old problem, I decided to make it a DaddyTip.


So far it’s working reasonably well. I’m not typing my typical 90-100 words per minute (I type fast, always did) and I’m making more mistakes than usual. But I am able to type using both hands now, sans the burnt finger of course.

I’m not going to include any “related links” because most of them involve Honey Boo Boo and I refuse to involve myself with that sort of thing. Well, unless someone wants to pay me enough money. Then maybe I could get over my… what’s the word? Scruples? Integrity? Whatever.

Burns, by the way, are really annoying and painful. I do not recommend them. The way I got this one was extremely stupid. I was cooking something in the oven, removed the dish from the oven using oven mitts, then removed the oven mitts from my hands and immediately moved to remove the glass top of the extremely hot Corningware dish with my bare hands. Like I said, not too bright. So there’s another tip for you — don’t touch hot things without proper protection. You know. Something most three-year-olds already know.

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Dec 06 2012

How To Stop Online Gaming From Being a Hellish Pit of Vicious Verbiage

This article about a video game called League of Legends (which I’ve never played or even heard of) intrigued me because the game maker, Riot Games, is attempting to address what is apparently a serious problem within the Legends community.

Apparently many of the players are dickheads.


And as lead game producer Travis George puts it in his interview with Gamasutra, “Nobody wants to play a game with somebody who’s mean.”

Amen to that.

Of course, mean people playing games online is not limited to League of Legends. Which is a problem once your kids want to get involved.

As a parent who grew up playing video games, I’m highly conflicted about the current “social” state of gaming. What used to be a niche element of the gaming world — online play with strangers — has become as ubiquitous as broadband Internet connections. Read more »

Sep 29 2012

Tip Learned In The Bathroom


If you think about it (and you don’t have to because I did it for you) this is a DaddyTip. How so? Because it is true that water can be extremely hot. It is a state that water is capable of.

Read more »

Jun 27 2012

Brett Singer On CNN HLN 6-22-12

Here is my appearance on CNN HLN‘s Evening Express. The topic is how parents can talk to their kids about child predators and Jerry Sandusky.


Click here if you want to skip to the part where I start talking.


Brett Singer TV Appearances Roundup

Brett Singer On CNN HLN Prime News [Video]

May 22 2012

Brett Singer TV Appearances Roundup

DaddyTips Featured Video

I appeared on CNN HLN recently and have finally uploaded the clips. Here they are. Read more »