Apr 17 2015

The Black Widow and Daredevil TV Show We Could Have Gotten

Ah, the 70s. Rich with history. Bell bottoms. Missed opportunities.

This is not one of them.

This photo is from Comic Book Resources (aka CBR), via The Mary Sue, both excellent websites for all things nerdy. Maybe I should say “all things formerly considered nerdy”, since when The Avengers movie makes $1.5 billion, it’s an Avengers world now, which kind of means there are a lot more nerds out there, and therefore how nerdy is it really to be into this stuff?

Answering my own question, caring at all about the fact that David Bowie’s ex-wife Angela Bowie (about whom The Rolling Stones’ song “Angie” may or may not be about, although that’s what most people think, including me until I just Googled it — trivia!) at one time “owned the TV rights to Daredevil and Black Widow”, according to CBR, is pretty nerdy.

This is a picture of the costumes. It is very 70s.

Daredevil and Black Widow That Never Happened

Considering how good the Netflix Daredevil series is, it’s probably for the best that this show never happened. Then again, there was 1988’s The Incredible Hulk Returns, which featured Hulk, Thor and Daredevil. That wasn’t particularly good (although of course I watched it), but it didn’t ruin the current incarnation. (Which really is quite good. You should check it out. Not with your kids, though, unless you have older kids. I’ll write more about it at some point.)

Perhaps it would have been interesting to see what Angela Bowie would have done with the role of Black Widow, since as a CBR commenter points out, “Bowie’s not really the problem in those DD/BW shots, though. That Daredevil costume is ridiculous.”

Indeed it is. But… the 70s. Even the entertainment that never happened was fun.

Comic Book Legends Revealed #440 – Page 3 of 3 – Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book ResourcesComics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources.

via The Mary Sue

Feb 13 2015

Thor Daddy Issues

If you really want to scare Thor, threaten to call his All-Father on him.

Texts From Superheroes - Thor and Iron Man

via Texts From Superheroes.

Dec 01 2014

Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited For 75 Cents (DaddyDeal)

We have praised Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited in the past.  In fact, it was a Cyber Monday deal that got me to become a member, which I still am. (Want proof? Here.) Today, in honor of Marvel’s 75th Anniversary, they are offering a Cyber Week Deal where you can try Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited for 75 Cents.

Spider-Man fights his robot dad

They’re now calling it Marvel Unlimited (smart move, in our opinion), but it’s the same basic deal. You pay a monthly or yearly fee to read the many thousands of comics in Marvel’s digital library. As a practical matter, this means that you don’t get the new stuff right away, and you don’t get everything. For example, sometimes you’ll be reading, say, Peter David’s immortal run on The Incredible Hulk. Then you’ll get to an issue and it’ll skip a big stack of comics. Just an example… OK, that happened to me. But you know something? It doesn’t bother me that much. (It bothers me a teeny tiny little bit.) For what you pay, you get a tremendous amount of of content. I’ve read everything from recently published comics to stuff from the 60s and 70s, and even older. It’s essentially Netflix for Marvel comic books.

(A note on the image above: I have no idea if that comic book is available in Marvel Unlimited. It’s not what I would recommended you read even if it is. But full disclosure and all that.)

This particularly deal is not as good as the one I used back in 2011 (!!!) but it’s still pretty good. You get your first month of Marvel Unlimited (the service formerly known as Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited) for 75 cents. H/T to Jason Kaplan of The Howard Stern Show for pointing out this awesome DaddyDeal.

Here’s the text from Marvel.com, along with the code and the link. Be sure to read the disclaimers on Marvel.com. If you don’t cancel your subscription before the month is up, they’ll probably charge your credit card for the next month. So if you just want to try it out, you need to stay on top of that. But 75 cents for a month of unlimited Marvel Comics reading? Excelsior!

From 12/1 12:01am EST to 12/4 3:00am EST
Get unlimited access to over 15,000 digital Marvel comics for one monthly price!
Use code MARVEL75 at checkout to get the first month of Marvel Unlimited for just 75¢!

via Cyber Week 2014 | Comics | Marvel.com.

Oct 14 2014

Son of Thanos Has Major Daddy Issues

If you are the son of Thanos, it would make sense that you would have some serious Daddy Issues. (Thanos, aka “who is the purple guy at the end of the avengers movie“, still a popular Google Search autocomplete. He also appeared in “Guardians of the Galaxy“, but it wasn’t as cool it could have been. “Guardians” was a great movie, lots of fun, go see it. Thanos could’ve been scarier though. Now back to the point.)

Me and The Avengers movie.

Personally I prefer The Avengers. Have I mentioned that lately?

Here is the description for a new comic book featuring Thane, son of Thanos.

At the close of INFINITY, Thane discovered he was the son of Thanos and that his touch was death.
Now, accompanied by the constantly whispered advice of the Ebony Maw, he wants to discover his father’s history, and his own future.

In other words, Thane (whoever that is) was unaware that (a) he was the son of Thanos, the mad Titan who wants to kill every living being in the universe in order to impress Death because he’s in love with her (yes, really — remember, comic books) and (b) when he touches people they die. (Which I suppose would make him pretty popular with dear old Dad.) Now he knows (a) and (b). That’s just… blech.

So yeah. Like I said. Daddy Issues.

Thanos A God Up There Listening #2 – Midtown Comics.

Marvel’s The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) at Amazon.com

Aug 13 2014

Comics And Robin Williams Collide (Links)

There’s a series of panels in the graphic novel ‘The Watchmen’ in which Rorschach (probably my favorite character in the book) delivers the following ‘joke’:

Man goes to doctor. Says he’s depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, “Treatment is simple. Great clown, Pagliacci, is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.” Man bursts into tears. Says, “But doctor, I am Pagliacci.”

Here’s the “joke” as portrayed in the movie version of ‘Watchmen’.

Personally I prefer the original, which you can see at ComicBook.com, or right here.

Watchmen Pagliacci

For anyone wondering what the hell this has to do with Robin Williams, here is the explanation from ComicBook.com:

Echoing the series’ central question of “who watches the watchmen?” the joke poses the question of “who makes the clown laugh?” It’s a question many fans find themselves asking with Williams’ passing. So many fans turned to him and his work for cheering up when they were down, but who was there to do the same for him?

If you, or anyone you know, is struggling with depression, remember that the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s is open 24/7, and that the number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

I appreciate that they put in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s phone number. If there is anything we can learn from Williams’ untimely demise, it’s that suicide is not a joke and not limited to those whose lives appear to be crappy. Depression is very real and should be taken seriously.

Our condolences to Robin Williams’ family, friends, and loved ones.

Watchmen Joke Goes Viral After Robin Williams’ Death | Comicbook.com.

Jul 22 2014

Grown-Up Sippy Cups At Midtown Comics

These are grown-up sippy cups. Comic book character themed grown-up sippy cups. I suppose you could get one for your kid, but I think they are being marketed at adults. Two designs – Punisher and Deadpool. Here’s the Punisher model:

$11.99. Such a deal! Well, if you like that kind of thing.

Marvel Heroes Symbol Acrylic Cup – Punisher – Midtown Comics.

Jun 08 2014

Wally from Dilbert Offers Quality Parenting Advice

Never trust Wally. Or Catbert. He’s not in this strip but he’s not to be trusted either.
Dilbert comic strip for 06/08/2014.