Aug 17 2012

List of Forgotten Kids Comics Holds Many Memories

I had a lot of these. Probably still do in a box somewhere.

Little Lotta in Foodland. Heh heh.

Via Topless Robot (link below)

15 Kids Comics That Have Deservedly Been Forgotten – Topless Robot – Nerd news, humor and self-loathing..

Jul 29 2012

Captain America Does Gymnastics (Olympics)


If you happen to be watching the Olympics with your children, and said children happen to be fans of superheroes, you may want to point out that Captain America does gymnastics.

The above video is from a videogame I think. My knowledge of Cap’s gymnastics training comes from reading comic books. I know that shocks you. Much like I was shocked when Read more »

Jul 09 2012

Peter Parker’s Parents in Spider-Man Comics

The Amazing Spider-Man made millions of dollars opening weekend. But what about Peter Parker’s parents? The movie didn’t offer a lot of answers. If you want to know, as I did, what the origins of Spider-Man’s parents are in the original comics, never fear, True Believer! I have researched this topic and discovered… the truth.


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May 21 2012

Fan-Made Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

This fan-made Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline at FilmBuffOnline is version 2.0. Yes, there was a first version, but it wasn’t good enough, so it was made again. It tracks all the various stuff that has happened onscreen from the first Iron Man film to The Avengers. I love it. And there’s no way I would have done it.

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May 10 2012

Let’s Talk About The Avengers Movie

I know this is, like, days after The Avengers movie opened, but I’ve been talking about it non-stop with everyone I see. And while I am usually the person who brings up the topic, no one has yet said, “No! Please! Anything but that!” So let’s talk about The Avengers, shall we?


A number of people have asked me what I thought of The Avengers. They know that I am a proud Geek Gold Card member, and I’ve been yakking about this thing for months, if not years. I’ve been told that people enjoy listening to my yakking about superhero movies because I’m really, really into it. (Note: I am also passionate about other topics, and people have been known to enjoy my yakking about those as well.) I’m going to list some of my thoughts about the film here. This isn’t a review per se, but for those of you who haven’t seen it yet — and why haven’t you? — I may reveal plot elements, etc. That’s a spoiler warning for those who worry about such things. And now — Avanti! (That’s my version of ‘Excelsior!’ It’s not as good, but maybe it will catch on in time.) Read more »

May 08 2012

G-Man Teaser In Image’s Free Comic Book Day

G-Man Cape Crisis

We’ve previously professed our undying gratitude to Chris Giarrusso for giving the world his great all ages comic book G-Man. So we were extremely pleased when we opened Image Comics’ Free Comic Book Day offering and read the first pages of an all-new G-Man story. Read more »

May 04 2012

It’s An Avengers World Now

The Avengers movie is here. Resistance is futile.


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