Jul 05 2008

Madonna versus Cynthia

With the news that A-Rod is apparently having an affair with Madonna, we need to ask the important question: who’s hotter?

So, guys, would you leave this:

The lovely, and probably now available, Cynthia Rodriguez (nee Scurtis)

(Cynthia pic from here)

for this?

Madonna may have broken up the marriage of A and C-Rod. Ah, life.

(Madonna pic from here)

Cynthia is 34, Madonna is 49. Obviously, we’re being extremely shallow here. But typically guys, especially jerk-offs like A-Rod, leave their wives for younger women.

Jun 30 2008

Hey dad, could you shut up?

Do your parents ever say things that make you want to hide your face? Do they say them to the New York Times?

My guess is that Uma Thurman’s dad has said stuff like this her whole life, so its not that big a deal. Still, it’s one thing to say, “I want to find the mother in Dick Cheney,” at home. (“Pass the butter, dear.”) It’s another thing to see it in print.

image: cocs.com

May 28 2008

Now that Cat Stevens is taken care of, let’s get Rachel Ray

Um, really?

Rachel Ray, Terrorist?

And from the comments:

EG said:

I really like how it was “popularized” by Yasser Arafat. Yes, ever since he starting dating that girl from “The Hills” he’s been quite a trend-setter.