Oct 13 2012

Agent Coulson Lives On “S.H.I.E.L.D.” TV Show (NYCC)

Avengers and Clark Gregg fans rejoice — Agent Coulson Lives!

Breaking News From NYCC

This is listed as breaking news from New York Comic Con (aka NYCC 2012) on Comic Book Resources. We’ll give them the credit because (a) it appears to be deserved and (b) we haven’t seen this news anywhere else. So you go, CBR!

Bottom line — S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson, aka “The Son of Coul”, played by actor Clark Gregg, will have a role of some kind on Joss Whedon’s upcoming Marvel-inspired comic book TV show, which we believe is titled “S.H.I.E.L.D.”

What is unclear is how exactly it will be explained that Agent Coulson is still alive. What is clear is that I’m enough of a fanboy about this particular area of Geek Gold Card land that I don’t really care.

For the uninitiated… Well, hell’s bells, there’s no way to explain this bit o’ nerdy news without giving away one of the coolest moments of the Avengers movie. So if you haven’t seen it yet, please do so. We highly recommend the Avengers Blu-Ray Combo Pack which comes with a digital copy, a regular DVD, and lots of nifty geeky extra features. You could buy it from Amazon.com and have it shipped faster than you can say “tesseract”. Well, maybe not quite that fast. But pretty fast. Or watch it on any of the numerous streaming video outlets.

Seriously, if you haven’t seen The Avengers, that’s OK (sort of). But I watched it again recently and it’s a lot of fun.

NYCC: Coulson Lives In Whedon’s “S.H.I.E.L.D.” (Updated with Photos) – Comic Book Resources.

Sep 29 2012

Watching Avengers Movie on Blu-Ray


Happy dad.

Marvel’s The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) at Amazon.com

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Jul 20 2012

Colorado Shooting Not About Midnight Movies

I have a request. Please stop talking about taking kids to midnight movies in relation to the horrible Colorado shooting.

I’m saying please.

This isn’t directed at anyone in particular. And of course by writing this I am doing exactly what I’m asking others not to do.

My point is that while it does seem like a bad idea to take very young children to a midnight movie, especially one like The Dark Knight Rises, which in my opinion is not a kid-friendly superhero movie the way The Avengers is, that just isn’t a fair topic to bring up right now. People have been killed. Many more have been wounded. Take a breath and stop thinking about this awful occurrence as something that has anything to do with superhero movies.

I’m not even sure this is a good time to discuss guns. I’m serious. Is it really such a bad idea to let the victims have a couple of days of mourning before everyone uses this horrible event as a jumping off point to discuss, well, anything?

I’m not talking about censorship. I’m talking about restraint.

Jul 15 2012

Robert Downey Jr Surprises Kids at Comic Con (Video)


DaddyTips Featured Video

You know who’s a good dude? Robert Downey Jr. Why do I say this? Because he made a surprise appearance at a kids’ costume costume at the San Diego Comic Con. Want proof? Check out the video below. Read more »

Jun 06 2012

The Avengers Blu-Ray Combo Pack Coupon At Amazon

As of this writing, The Avengers Blu-Ray Combo Pack is the number one selling Blu-Ray disc at Amazon.com. Is this because of the five dollar coupon? Perhaps. Or perhaps it is because The Avengers was AWESOME.


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May 21 2012

How Hulk Smashed The Avengers (Video)


I know we’ve been spending way too much time talking about The Avengers but darn it, I loved that movie and I keep coming across tidbits I want to share. I’m a dork. Sue me.

This video is from The Daily and is called Hulk’s Smashing Special Effects. It’s really cool. It also helps illuminate why The Hulk is one of the most popular characters in The Avengers, and why Mark Ruffalo was such a brilliant choice to play Bruce Banner — and The Hulk.

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May 21 2012

Fan-Made Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

This fan-made Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline at FilmBuffOnline is version 2.0. Yes, there was a first version, but it wasn’t good enough, so it was made again. It tracks all the various stuff that has happened onscreen from the first Iron Man film to The Avengers. I love it. And there’s no way I would have done it.

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