Nov 17 2020


Source: Petition · Ban superhero movies and criminalize viewing such media ·

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Apr 03 2020

Superman, Batman and Lex Luthor Daddy Issues

From Zack Snyder, talking about Batman v Superman, which was a ridiculous movie but I thought this bit was interesting. Emphasis added:

While Luthor is often used as a parallel to Superman, Snyder was interested in showcasing the parallels between Lex and Bruce as well. All three men are fixated on their fathers, and have maintained tombs in their memory. Lex took his father’s study and built a new house around it, and maintained its upkeep so that nothing fell out of place. Bruce held onto Wayne Manor, but let it fall into decay. And Superman keeps the memory of both fathers, Jonathan and Jor-El, as a part of his deeds and Kryptonian suit,

I never thought about it but this all makes sense. Batman is fixated on both parents, but it’s always about the dad. Superman barely mentions his mother. Luthor I never thought about, but again, it makes sense.

Someone told me “Men don’t have daddy issues” and I said “oh please.” Even superheroes have them! Maybe especially superheroes.

Source: Zack Snyder Shares Secrets from Lost ‘Batman v. Superman’ Sequels | Hollywood Reporter

Jul 21 2018

Aquaman Trailer is Not Awful

Watch and decide for yourself of course. But I watched this Aquaman trailer and thought, “OK, not bad.”

Since I’m going to see it either way I’d prefer that DC’s movies be good. So I’m cautiously optimistic.

Apr 19 2018

Deadpool 2: The Final Trailer

Deadpool 2 Final Trailer

The final trailer for Deadpool 2. Watch it and weep tears of joy. Good superhero movies, yay!

Mar 16 2018

Infinity War Trailer

Marvel’s Infinity War trailer. Pant pant pant.

Infinity War trailer

I’ll be back to talk about this one, but for now, just watch and enjoy.

Jan 30 2018

Ant-Man and the Wasp Trailer

Black Panther is first (February 16) but come summer we get Ant-Man and the Wasp (July 6). Here’s the trailer.

Jan 09 2018

New Black Panther Trailer

Here is the new Black Panther trailer. Watch and enjoy.