Why Do I Read The News?
This is a serious question. Why do I read the news? It only leads to problems.
I was looking for an image to go with this post. I decided Grumpy Cat could be fun. But that only annoyed me more.
What should I do? Ignore everything? Only read comic books? That’s not the worst idea. It is limiting, though.
I want to tell you what piece of news has me so irritated. It’s not net neutrality. I like net neutrality. The idea that flying a banner with a meme over the corporate headquarters of Comcast is somehow a good use of time and, more importantly, money, that I think is stupid. But whatever.
I am wearing my CrankyPants! And I’m not going to tell you why because, as the kids say, reasons. Mostly it has to do with not wanting to get into certain issues of a personal nature, and/or not wanting to talk about certain issues in a public forum. (Is that vague enough?)
Mostly, grah. Stupid news.
Vaccination Nation Continues
File this under “things that shouldn’t be a debate but are.” With no medical or scientific evidence to support a link between vaccines and certain undesirable medical conditions such as autism, many parents insist that they know better. Or at least that someone else knows better. (Usually it’s someone on the Internet.)
Many parents are asking doctors to “spread out” the vaccines that their children receive, according to the L.A. Times.
Personally I don’t know if spreading out the vaccines is such a terrible thing, but according to the L.A. Times, citing an article in the journal Pediatrics, “87% of the doctors [surveyed] agreed that when parents delay some or all of these vaccines, they are putting their children at risk of being sickened by a preventable disease.”
In spite of their concerns, many doctors are doing it anyway.
So. To sum up. Most doctors (in a particular survey, at least) think that spreading out vaccines is dangerous. But if a parent is noodgy enough, they’ll do it anyway.
This is not good medicine. I’m not saying that doctors are always right. Far from it. (Oy, the stories I could tell you.) But if a doctor truly believes, based on all of the information available to them, that their patients, who in this case are children under 2 years old and therefore can’t decide for themselves, should be vaccinated in a particular way, they should not be swayed by a parent who complains loudly enough.
Other doctors are taking a hard line on the issue, refusing to treat children who have not been vaccinated.
Considering that measles is making a comeback (see the Related articles links below), and that Rand Paul and other politicians have made anti-vaccination a political issue as well as a medical one, I think it’s safe to say that this issue won’t be going away anytime soon. Which is annoying because, to the best of my knowledge, the entire anti-vaccine campaign (such as it is) dates to the Lancet study which was shown to be COMPLETELY WRONG in 2010. (More on that here if you’re interested.) And yet, five years later, we’re still talking about it.
As I said before — zero deaths. That’s the goal. And it’s an achievable one. How? Science! Cue music.
Doctors often delay vaccines for children to appease parents – LA Times.
Related articles (Note: Some of these are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
iPhone 6 Case Amazon Lightning Deal
iPhone 6 case Amazon Lightning Deal for ya. $11.19. Regular price is $13.99, list price is $49.99 (which would be way too high, unless this case also gives foot massages and makes dinner). We have not used this case. Heck, we don’t even have an iPhone. But lots of people do! And we like to be helpful by passing along these DaddyDeals when we find them.
Time is limited, so if you want it, buy it.
I’m going to leave in all of the descriptive text Amazon provides because, well, why not.
Two Crown Royal Cocktails For Valentine’s Day
The good people at Crown Royal (more specifically, their always friendly and pleasant publicists) have two tasty suggestions for those who wish to get their drink on (responsibly) this Valentine’s Day.
What we like about these cocktails is that neither looks difficult to make. Also, thanks to the DaddyTips Road Trips we’ve taken courtesy of Crown Royal, we feel confident that these drinks will be tasty. (We haven’t tried them, but we’ve sampled enough Crown to know that we like it.) So here you go, two cocktails. Enjoy responsibly! And happy Valentine’s Day to all.
Apple of My Eye
1.5oz Crown Royal Regal Apple
4oz Cranberry Juice
Serve in a rocks glass over ice and garnish with apple wedge
Cherry Jubilee
1.5 oz. Piehole Cherry Pie
0.25 oz. orange juice
0.25 oz. grenadine
1 splash sour mix
Related articles (Note: Some of these are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
Expensive Looking Women’s Watch Under 50 Bucks
This expensive looking women’s watch can be yours for under 50 bucks thanks to this AMAZING AMAZON LIGHTNING DEAL! Supplies are limited! Etc.
By the way, “under 50 bucks” means $49.99. Because technicalities. But it could make a nice last minute Valentine’s Day gift (no promises it’ll get delivered in time; that’s between you and Amazon). Anyway, time-limited deal. Buy it if you want it.
Amazon.com: August Steiner Women’s AS8142RG Analog Display Quartz Two Tone Watch Set: Watches.
Thor Daddy Issues
If you really want to scare Thor, threaten to call his All-Father on him.
Mike Francesa Says Parents Should Relax About Fandom
Remember when I wrote about raising kids to be fans of perpetually bad sports teams? (If not, I helpfully linked to the article for you. I’ll expect a thank you note in the mail.) Today on WFAN, Mike Francesa took a caller to task about the same issue. Basically, he told the caller, a father and fan of the Jets (I think it was the Jets) that parents should relax about fandom.
(Note: the image above has nothing to do with the story except that it is a sports image, and neither person appears to be relaxed.)
The WFAN host’s point, which I basically agree with, is that people take this whole “I’m raising my kid to be a fan of a perpetually bad sports team” thing much too seriously. Or, as Aaron Rodgers put it — RELAX.
Francesa went on to describe some of the favorite Yankee teams of his childhood, which he described as not being very good but he loved them anyway.
I am also a Yankee fan, and here’s where I have to respectfully… not exactly disagree with Mr. Francesa, but add to his point. When the Yankees lose, it doesn’t hurt the way it does when the Mets lose. The same is true for the Giants and the Jets. Even when the Jets WIN, fans find it painful. The first two years that Mark Sanchez was the Jets’ starting quarterback, which were also the first two years’ of Rex Ryan’s tenure as head coach, they made it to the AFC Championship Game. That’s one game away from the Super Bowl. I watched those games, and the ones that preceded it, with a lifelong Jets fan. You know what? Even the games they won, I could feel the tension. There’s always a sense that something bad will happen. I don’t know why, but I’ve seen it firsthand and discussed it with other Jets fans. They agree. Barring another Super Bowl win (and it is worth noting that the Jets at least HAVE a Super Bowl win in their history, something many other NFL teams do not), I don’t know that it will ever not be at least a little bit painful to be a fan of the Jets.
Does that mean raising your kid to be a Jets fan is somehow bad parenting? Of course not. That’s silly. In my experience kids pick up on fandom naturally — if you’re a Jet(s fan) you’re a Jet(s fan) all the way, and your kids prob’ly will be the exact same way.