Posts Tagged ‘News’
Ric Ocasek Sounds Like a Jerk
Ric Ocasek’s oldest son, Chris, has branded his late father a “narcissist” who was “never present.”On the anniversary of his dad’s death on Sept. 15, Chris Otcasek (who uses the original spelling of the family name) went public with his feelings about his father when he captioned an Instagram photo of himself with Ric and brother Adam, “You don’t exist. We didn’t either.”
Source: Ric Ocasek’s son slams him as a deadbeat dad who ‘was never there’
But still, Chris claimed that “my father, in essence, died the day I was born. He was never present, he was never there. Even when he was, he was never there and that’s the abandonment that I’m referring to.”
New York Post
Man finds parents 33 years after he was abandoned at Gatwick
A man who was abandoned as a baby at Gatwick Airport more than 30 years ago has tracked down his parents.
Steve Hydes was left in the airport’s south terminal in 1986 when he was just 10 days old and was found wrapped in a blanket in the women’s toilets.Mr Hydes has spent 15 years trying trace his family and now, after genealogists tested DNA samples, has discovered that his mother passed away but his father is still alive.
After making contact with his father, Mr Hydes found he had siblings who did not know he existed.
Source: Man finds parents 33 years after he was abandoned at Gatwick
Japanese Device Allows Fathers to Breastfeed Their Babies
This is so ridiculous. A friend and I used to joke about a certain baby book for dads: “I wish *I* could have the baby.” (I don’t remember which book it is.) You’re not a woman. You don’t have breasts. Dads don’t breastfeed. Relax. Bottle feeding is fine. It’s a nice thing to do but really it’s about getting food to your kid. Stuff like this is just dumb.
Source: Japanese Device Allows Fathers to Breastfeed Their Babies
Texas woman learns her mother’s fertility doctor is her biological father | Daily Mail Online
This is super messed up and of course it’s on television.
From Daily Mail:
- Texas woman Eve Wiley, 31, learned her mother’s fertility doctor is her biological father after taking and 23andme genetic tests
- Wiley believed sperm donor Steve Scholl was her father and developed a father-daughter relationship with him 14 years ago
- But genetic tests pointed to Dr. Kim McMorries as her biological father
Source: Texas woman learns her mother’s fertility doctor is her biological father | Daily Mail Online
Paul Sorvino Has Words For Harvey Weinstein
I always wondered why Mira Sorvino didn’t work more as an actress after winning the Oscar for “Mighty Aphrodite“. Allegedly it is because Harvey Weinstein did everything in his considerable power to keep her off the silver screen.
TMZ asked Mira’s father Paul Sorvino what he thought of all this. Mr. Sorvino did not mince words.I've been waiting for this….Paul Sorvino on Harvey Weinstein harassing and blacklisting his daughter Mira Sorvino….
"He ought to hope he goes to jail…cause if not, he has to meet me and I will kill the motherfu**er"
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) January 3, 2018
Would you want Paul Sorvino pissed off at you? I wouldn’t. And yes, I know this is a scene from a movie.
One thing that has made me nuts with regard to the current wave of deserved firings and comeuppances of powerful men is the response some guys have made — “if it was my daughter/sister” etc. Actually… no. Whether or not you are related to a woman does not matter. No one deserves to be treated this way. Hell, if it’s true that Harvey Weinstein kept Mira Sorvino from being cast in movies because she wouldn’t sleep with him… jesus.
HOWEVER. If the woman wronged *is* your daughter, I think it’s fair to expect, shall we say, an extra level of outrage. Look at it like this — “imagine if it was your daughter”? No. It’s bad no matter what. But when it actually is your daughter? I don’t blame you for getting more mad. On the TMZ video, Mr. Sorvino is rather calm in my opinion.
Also, make sure to read through to part 5 of the tweet quoted above, which features video of Ms. Sorvino at a 2011 Senate briefing about sex trafficking. I will attempt to embed said Tweet here but as I admitted online I can thread a needle but tweets, not so much.
5. By the way, you should know that @MiraSorvino has been fighting sex trafficking, especially the trafficking of minors, for years…long before she spoke publicly about Harvey Weinstein. Here she is in 2011 at a US Senate briefing.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) January 3, 2018
h/t Yashar Ali
Related articles (Note: These are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
7 Earth-Sized Planets Discovered
Ohhh snap. Check out this space news (via CNN):

Size comparison of the four terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and the terrestrial dwarf planet Ceres. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
(NOTE: the photo above does not depict the planets in question. It’s just a cool photo of planets.)
Astronomers have found at least seven Earth-like planets orbiting the same star 40 light-years away, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. The findings were also announced at a news conference at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
This discovery outside of our solar system is rare because the planets have the winning combination of being similar in size to Earth and being all temperate, meaning they could have water on their surface and potentially support life.
The seven exoplanets were all found in tight formation around an ultracool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1. Estimates of their mass also indicate that they are rocky planets, rather than being gaseous like Jupiter.
“Ultracool dwarf star” is my favorite phrase of the day.
Source: CNN
Kids Asks Google For Job, CEO Responds – Cute News
So much of the news is WTF these days, so here’s some cute news.
A 7-year-old kid decided she wanted to work at Google. Her dad said, “write them a letter.” She did. The CEO responded. It’s cute stuff. Hit up the link below.
Chloe Bridgewater was inspired by seeing the bean bag chairs and slides in the office.
Source: A 7-year-old wrote a letter to Google asking for a job—here’s how the CEO responded