Sep 28 2009

Male Lesbian Discussing Pregnant Man

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Welcome to the Bizarro World.

I was looking for a pic of a pregnant woman for this post and stumbled onto this video from What really caught my eye was this description:

“A heterosexual man who’s also a lesbian discusses sexuality, gender and Thomas Beatie, a pregnant man who recently appeared on Oprah.”

A man who’s a lesbian? I’m all for being open minded… well, OK, no I’m not. But I don’t discriminate against someone because of their sexual orientation. But you can’t just make shit up. Can you? I guess you can. But “lesbian man” sounds like a bad joke I might have made in high school.

Here’s the video.


Sep 25 2009

Clemson Fan Needs To Calm Down

DaddyTips Featured Video

Complete with ESPN commentators mocking him. With a telestrator. Good times, good times.


Upset Clemson Fan Overreacting to the Georgia Tech Loss (Youtube via Deadspin)

Sep 21 2009

Ernie Anastos And The Chicken

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There are many great screw ups on television, especially on the nightly news. It’s live. Something slips out. It happens. But this one by New York anchorman Ernie Anastos might be the best one ever.

While doing the Fox 5 news broadcast, Anastos turned to the weatherman and said “Keep fucking that chicken.” He did. Listen:


He apologized, saying that he meant to say “keep plucking that chicken.” I make that mistake all the time.

Via Buzzfeed

Sep 14 2009

A Better Response To Kanye At The VMAs

People are all up in arms about Kanye West having the nerve – the NERVE! – to inerrupt Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards, aka the VMAs. This report from ABC News would make one think that something really important happened.

At worst, Kanye West acted liked a jerk. But “OH NOES! HOW COULD HE DO THAT TO POOR LITTLE TAYLOR SWIFT????” C’mon. “This was a huge night for her!” Really? This is what we get worked up about?

A better response?

The VMAs are bullshit. MTV is a corrupt enterprise responsible for the sexualization of underage kids. It barely plays music or videos anymore. It’s an award show. Pick one of these reasons. Or several. Or make up your own. But this is really highly unimportant.

If you want to see an award show interruption that’s much more fun, check out ODB at the Grammy’s. (Via Wrongspeech.)


Everything ODB did was awesome. Except dying. That sucked.

Aug 11 2009

Death Metal Dog

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It’s basically a Stupid Pet Trick, but it’s a good one.


What’s funny, at least to me, is that there is a death metal band with a dog as a lead singer. Caninus. Or as they call it, Pit Bull Grindcore. Here’s a sample of their oeuvre:


Aug 04 2009

Movies I Saw When I Was A Kid – The Blues Brothers


I’m not sure if I would let my kids see this movie yet. But I saw it. And I turned out OK.

Here’s the trailer for the classic John Belushi / Dan Aykroyd film “The Blues Brothers.”


Aug 01 2009

Geek Porn Circa 1987

This clip is from the Computer Chronicles. It features columnist and Cranky Geek John C. Dvorak taking apart an old IBM PS/2. It wasn’t old then, of course.


As a commenter says, “Dvorak looks so young. I love how? he geeks out on the computer.” He really seems like he can’t keep his hands off the thing. Everyone else keeps talking, and he just keeps poking, prodding and futzing away. Say what you will about Dvorak, but he’s the real thing.