Jul 21 2011

Hugh Jackman at Comic Con Video

X-Men Origins: Wolverine DVD

Hugh Jackman showed up at Comic Con to talk about “Real Steel” and “Wolverine 2″. Here’s the video. Read more »

Jun 13 2011

Weird Al Sings Pac-Man

DaddyTips Featured Video

Here’s a Weird Al Yankovic tune I’ve never heard before — Pac-Man, a parody of the Beatles’ Taxman. Read more »

Jun 07 2011

How To Embarrass Your Kid

DaddyTips Featured Video

Have you run out of ways to embarrass your kid? Try wearing a different costume every single day as you wave to their school bus. Every. Single. Day.

Oh! And make sure to blog about it. Then they’ll be really mortified.

Don’t believe us? Watch the video. Read more »

May 12 2011

Goodfellas Peanuts Video (NSFW)

DaddyTips Featured Video

GoodFellas is one of the best movies ever made, and Peanuts is the greatest comic strip ever drawn. So a YouTube video combining Peanuts and GoodFellas was probably a no-brainer for whoever took the time to make this hilarious clip. Read more »

May 07 2011

Rodney Atkins and Matthew Hansen At Richmond

DaddyTips Road Trip

I had a great time taking a DaddyTips Road Trip to the Crown Royal Presents The Matthew & Daniel Hansen 400 in Richmond, Virginia. Read more »

May 05 2011

Thomas Casino Parody Is Brilliant [NSFW]

DaddyTips Featured Video

YouTube is a fickle beast. It has created a forum for some truly awful videos. But every now and then it allows for some brilliant work. This Thomas The Tank Engine parody using audio from the film Casino is awesome. Not safe for work, and not safe for little kids (unless you don’t mind them hearing the f-word 84 times in 2 minutes). Read more »

Apr 27 2011

Kim Cattrall On Men [Divorce Sucks]

Kim Cattrall photo from 1999
The ever-lovely Kim Cattrall was on the Howard Stern Show today to promote the film Meet Monica Velour, in which she plays an adult film star named Linda Romanoli. Apparently Brian Dennehy, who plays a character called Pop Pop, gets naked, but Kim does not. This is unfortunate. But the reason I’m writing about Ms. Cattrall’s interview with Howard Stern today is to discuss what she said about men. Read more »