Aug 09 2012

Daddy Skills Rap Video

Great rap video in praise of Daddy Skills. This one is worth watching.


Sleeping until 7:08? Lucky.

Daddies Everywhere Need To See This. RIGHT NOW. | MoveOn.Org.

Jul 18 2012

Super Golden Friends (Video)

Here we have the Super Golden Friends singing Thank You For Being a Superfriend. The second part we made up. Whatever. This fan-made video is amusing.


According to, the video’s creator considers it a pitch for an Adult Swim series about the aging Justice Leaguers. Sure, why not?

‘Golden Girls’ gets a superhero twist — VIDEO | PopWatch |

Jul 11 2012

Kid Does Awesome Game of Thrones Impressions


Ah, YouTube. Despite recent attempts by Google to create a container for corporate controlled content consumption, there are still many pockets of joyful goofiness to behold. Such as this kid, who does a bunch of awesome impressions of characters from Game Of Thrones. Watch the video and behold.

I can’t say with certainty that the person doing the impressions is a “kid”. He’s definitely younger than me, and Topless Robot said he’s a kid in the headline, so until I hear otherwise that’s enough evidence for me. Stay with it through the end because there’s a funny bit.

via This Kid Just Won the Game of Thrones – Topless Robot via All Leather Must Be Boiled by Sean T. Collins (On that site there be spoilers. This is known.)

Jul 10 2012

Cookie Monster Sings ‘Call Me Maybe’ Parody

Cookie Monster, Share It MaybeCarly Rae Jepsen’s song “Call Me Maybe” has apparently taken over the music world for the moment. I didn’t realize this. However, this Sesame Street parody of the tune, “Share It Maybe”, in which Cookie Monster sings about his love of cookies and people who share them with him, is amusing enough to be worth 3 minutes of your time. Watch the video below. Read more »

Jul 02 2012

Short Film About A Creepy Toy (DaddyTube)


The title of this short animated video about a toy is “Alma”, written and directed by Rodrigo Blaas. You may find it creepy; if you do, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Personally, I wasn’t too creeped out by “Alma”. Read more »

Jun 27 2012

Brett Singer On CNN HLN 6-22-12

Here is my appearance on CNN HLN‘s Evening Express. The topic is how parents can talk to their kids about child predators and Jerry Sandusky.


Click here if you want to skip to the part where I start talking.


Brett Singer TV Appearances Roundup

Brett Singer On CNN HLN Prime News [Video]

Jun 19 2012

Real-Life Spider-Man, Sort Of


This is very cool. A backpack version of a vacuum cleaner that allows you to suction yourself up a wall.

I’m simplifying of course. Gizmodo has more details, which they got from Business Insider. If you have even less time/patience for reading than I do, it’s a military thing and was part of a competition of some kind. The video above is of the winning team. Obviously it will need to be made quieter. Still, the concept and execution is très nifty.

This Backpack Lets You Climb Up Any Wall (Gizmodo via Business Insider)