Jun 09 2013

Video – Father And Son Sing Don’t Let Me Down (DaddyTube)

Today on DaddyTube, a father and son singing Don’t Let Me Down. Dad plays guitar. The little boy, presumably his son although to be fair we don’t know this for certain but a bunch of copies of the video on YouTube declare it to be true, sings and strums a ukelele. It is very cute. Watch the video.

Is it just us or does the kid sound like he’s in the correct key when he plucks out some notes halfway through the video?

(Hat tip to Karl Erickson via Facebook for the vid)

Baby boy playing Don’t Let Me Down on the guitar with his dad. – YouTube.


Apr 03 2013

Rutgers Mike Rice Practice Video Is Disgusting

Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice was fired. ESPN has video of why.

The video shows Rice doing the following during practices: shoving and grabbing players, hurling basketballs at them (at least once at a player’s head), and verbally abusing them by “screaming obscenities and homophobic slurs.” The latter refers to a word that begins with the letter F and ends with “got.”

The firing was announced via Twitter. I still find that odd although it is convenient.


Apparently there is another wrinkle here. ESPN reports that a Rutgers employee was fired and it may have been for telling the administration about  Rice’s behavior. Here’s a video about that.

It is beyond belief that anyone would behave in this manner and be able to get away with it for any length of time. College sports are screwy.

Breaking news: Rice says he’s sorry. (Scroll way down on the page.) OK.

Practice video shows Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice berated, pushed and used slurs against players – ESPN.

Mar 27 2013

Star Wars Boom Boom Pow (DaddyTube)

So yeah. Boom Boom Pow Star Wars, the video. This exists. It is our DaddyTips Featured Video. Because it amuses us.

DaddyTips Featured Video

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again. Thank goodness for folks with enough time to create goofy and creative stuff like this video. Geek Gold Card, people.

boom boom pow – star wars – YouTube.

Mar 07 2013

Carrie Fisher Will Return To Star Wars, Is Very Funny

The always wonderful website io9 tells us that Carrie Fisher told Palm Beach Illustrated that she would indeed return to Star Wars for the upcoming movies. This is good news. It is also good news that Carrie Fisher is funny.

[Lego Star Wars Princess Leia Minifigure with Blaster]

Quote from the interview:

Q: What do you think Princess Leia is like today?

A: Elderly.

She says more, but the abbreviated version makes me laugh. Read the whole thing here.

Here is a video of Princess Leia insulting Han Solo, because really, why not? It’s only ten seconds. Watch it.


Carrie Fisher says she’s returning to Star Wars (io9 via Palm Beach Illustrated)

Get Some Star Wars Movies Here

Feb 14 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day From The Dirty Sock Funtime Band (And A Free Song)

Here’s a video from The Dirty Sock Funtime Band wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day. Also, you can download a new free song from the band. What could be bad?


Mama’s Song (The Most) – Free Download

Jan 09 2013

Video: The Evolution of Dad Dancing – Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (DaddyTube)

This video, The Evolution of Dad Dancing from Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, goes on a wee bit too long, but it’s worth watching for the names of the dances, such as (spoiler alert) “Imma Go Get a Beer.” It’s only 2 minutes. Enjoy.

Jimmy Fallon – The Evolution of Dad Dancing: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon – YouTube.

Dec 13 2012

New Man of Steel Trailer

Here you go. The new Man of Steel trailer. Aka The New Superman Movie.

There’s a lot of parenty stuff I could say about it. I will one of these days. For now, some thoughts.

Topless Robot’s Chris Cummins asks some good general questions: “Do you want an angsty bearded Superman? At some point in the film will he throw on Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures and sulk? Will Lois Lane be moonlighting at Hot Topic in the movie?”

I had to look up the Joy Division reference. Here’s the album via YouTube. Read more »