Jul 20 2012

Colorado Shooting Not About Midnight Movies

I have a request. Please stop talking about taking kids to midnight movies in relation to the horrible Colorado shooting.

I’m saying please.

This isn’t directed at anyone in particular. And of course by writing this I am doing exactly what I’m asking others not to do.

My point is that while it does seem like a bad idea to take very young children to a midnight movie, especially one like The Dark Knight Rises, which in my opinion is not a kid-friendly superhero movie the way The Avengers is, that just isn’t a fair topic to bring up right now. People have been killed. Many more have been wounded. Take a breath and stop thinking about this awful occurrence as something that has anything to do with superhero movies.

I’m not even sure this is a good time to discuss guns. I’m serious. Is it really such a bad idea to let the victims have a couple of days of mourning before everyone uses this horrible event as a jumping off point to discuss, well, anything?

I’m not talking about censorship. I’m talking about restraint.

Jun 06 2012

The Avengers Blu-Ray Combo Pack Coupon At Amazon

As of this writing, The Avengers Blu-Ray Combo Pack is the number one selling Blu-Ray disc at Amazon.com. Is this because of the five dollar coupon? Perhaps. Or perhaps it is because The Avengers was AWESOME.


Read more »

Jul 19 2011

Low budget X-MEN is Awesome [Links]

Someone sent me a link to this and it made me laugh. And it’s about superheroes and superhero movies, so it seemed appropriate for DaddyTips.

You could actually make some of these yourself. DIY X-MEN, anyone? (DIY Cyclops is the most clever, but DIY Wolverine is funnier. Cuz he’s got fork claws. Heh heh. Fork claws.)

Low budget X-MEN [meh.ro]

Mar 22 2011

All Four Blade Movies For 10 Bucks [DaddyDeal]

All Four Blade Movies For 10 Bucks

Nice DaddyDeal — all four Blade movies for just 10 bucks at Amazon.com.

This is a smart way for studios to sell superhero movies on DVD. Read more »

Mar 20 2011

We Approve of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight DVD

We expressed our concerns about Kevin Costner playing Jonathan Kent in the new Superman movie. But we approve of the casting of Joseph Gordon-Levitt in The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan’s follow-up to The Dark Knight.

What role will he play? Read more »

Mar 19 2011

Hoping Kevin Costner Doesn’t Screw Up New Superman Movie


So Kevin Costner will play Clark Kent’s father in the new Superman movie. (The headline says “adoptive father”, but that’s obvious because Clark Kent is Superman’s Earth name. The correct way to say it would be “Kal-El’s adoptive father.” Geek Gold Card, people.)

Jonathan Kent is a very important part of Clark Kent’s worldview. Read more »

Nov 25 2009

Superman as a Deadbeat Dad

“Superman Returns” was a lousy movie. I didn’t much care for it. But the person who posted this clip to YouTube really really REALLY hated it.

Like, really. A lot.

Read (many, many misspellings follow):

Bryan Singers aweful “Singerman Repugnant” is a disgracful presentation of possiblely the most celebrated fictional character known to the world. His horrible casting of Lois Lane as a common whore who would have sex with two men so close in time intervals that she would not realize that the baby she had was not the child of the second man. Not even that is the main charcteristic flaw. Lois Lane was always depicted as a woman of such strong character that Superman was the only man of equally strong person that she could ever love.

Wow. But there’s more:

Brayn Singers Lois Lane is a common whore and his Superman is a weak image of a man whom would be licking a womans boots begging for attention if not for his powers.

“Lois Lane is a common whore.” How dare you, sir!

The video has even more in the way of embedded commentary. Check it out.


Source: YouTube