Dec 15 2010

Father Sues To Block NYC Schools Chancellor Pick

From NY1, the story of a dad who decided to use his lawyering powers for good:

Eric Snyder is a lawyer with two kids in the public school system. In his lawsuit, he says the waiver granted to Black by State Education Commissioner David Steiner was illegal because the law states the chancellor must have a master’s degree.
Black needed the waiver because she has no educational background.

Black (who is white, which isn’t relevant but we couldn’t resist) was appointed by Mayor Mike Bloomberg. You remember him. He’s still the mayor of New York, despite the fact that he wasn’t legally able to run for a third term because the people of New York voted for term limits. Twice. But he convinced the City Council to make an exception. Sound familiar?

Snyder sued New York over that one too. He lost. He’ll probably lose this time as well, although maybe not. I like that Snyder is doing this. I wouldn’t, because I don’t do stuff like that and even if I did, it feels like tilting at windmills. Even if that’s true, part of me is glad that there are still some modern day Don Quixotes out there.

Father Launches First Legal Battle Against Schools Chancellor Pick –

Dec 08 2010

Original Tron Not Available on DVD?

How is the original Tron not available on DVD? Seriously, how is this possible?

Amazon has used copies going for over a hundred dollars. Or there’s the VHS version — for 40 bucks.

Are you kidding me?

Tron Legacy opens on December 17. Me and the boys are excited to see it. As a completist type of dad, I want them to see the original Tron before they see Tron Legacy.

So I go on Netflix. They don’t have it. It’s in my “saved queue.” Because the DVD is out of print.

Which is stupid. Because if there were ever a time you could sell a boatload of those things, it’s before the sequel hits theaters.

But noooo. No DVD. No streaming. No on-demand. Nada. Zip. Zilch.


Here’s the original Tron trailer from 1982. That’ll have to do, I suppose.


Jun 22 2010

Jackasses Upset About Obama Fathers Day Message

It seems that some jackasses were upset by President Obama’s Father’s Day message. What did The President say?

From the Seattle Times:

“Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a stepfather, a grandfather, or caring guardian.”

So that’s what he said. Not a big deal, right?

Oh. But it is a big deal. Like most of the things that President Obama says, this is just another step towards the dismantling of everything that makes our Great Nation great!

The outcry from two – TWO! – jackasses was enough to warrant news coverage.

The more well-known jackass to comment was American Family Association president Tim Wildmon, who, because he has no sense of humor, did not that say President Obama’s statement was wild, man. (Get it? Thank you, I’ll be here all week.)  Wildmon told the AP: “This is the first time in our nation’s history that a president has used Father’s Day as an excuse to promote the radical homosexual agenda and completely redefine the word ‘family.'”

Because that’s what happened. Jackass.

The other jackass that offered trenchant commentary on this issue was Jenny Tyree, who is less well-known, at least to me.

Tyree is described as “a marriage analyst for CitizenLink, an affiliate of Focus on the Family”. CitizenLink is a web site or something. Tyree found the President’s mention of the concept of “‘two fathers’ in the proclamation” to be “very troubling”, calling it a “decision to promote a ‘motherless family.'”

Again — because that’s what he was doing. Jackass number two.

If you, like me, have no idea who Jenny Tyree is, she apparently is someone who has devoted her existence to railing against same-sex marriage. As she herself puts it:

My job is to defend one-man, one-woman marriage as God’s created intent and design for humans who are called to bear His image as male and female,  and to advance marriage policies in the public arena that build on the wealth of research confirming that children, women and men thrive in stable marriages.

That sounds like a cool job! Beats working for The Post Office, know what I mean?

Nation & World | Active Father’s Day for Obama, critics | Seattle Times Newspaper

Adam and Steve DVD image via Amazon

May 20 2010

Not Having Kids Led To Murder [Laughing Instead of Crying]


CNN is reporting that “Fertility issues were at the center of former TV chef Juan-Carlos Cruz’s motivation in the alleged murder-for-hire plot to kill his wife“. In other words, not having kids led to murder.

See, I always thought it was the other way around.

This isn’t a funny story, of course, and that joke was in poor taste. But whatever. Let’s think about this for a minute.

I admit that I can’t completely relate to people who are desperate to have children and are unable to do so. I have two kids, and no fertility treatments were involved. Part of me doesn’t get the idea of fertility treatments — some people go through a lot in order to have a child themselves rather than, say, adopting, or just not having kids. But in the interest of trying to be an enlightened live and let live kind of guy (ha ha) I’m willing to accept the idea that there are feeling I can’t comprehend because I’ve never been in the same situation.

That said, the idea that not being able to have a child would drive a man to hire someone to kill his wife seems far-fetched. It was SO IMPORTANT to have kids? Again, why not adopt? How long are you going to try? Ever heard of Kate Gosselin? She did some sort of procedure and ended up with six more kids. SIX. KIDS. The Octo-mom? Hello? Even twins seems like a lot to me.

Hell, one kid is a lot. Maybe, before desperately trying every fertility treatment in town, potential parents should spend some time with a large family. Preferably one with very young children. Who don’t sleep. And talk. A lot. Maybe one of the kids is a biter. Another one wets the bed. Nightly. Still another likes to flush things, like mom’s shoes, down the toilet. At least once a week.

Maybe then they would see that having kids? Not the only way to go through life.

Now, a disclaimer of sorts. I love my children. I wanted to have them. They are cute, they are annoying, blah blah blah. But in the same way that it shouldn’t matter if a woman in public life has kids, and that we should stop referring to single women as unmarried as if being married is a goal for a woman, it would be nice if people would stop thinking about children as something that they need. You aren’t “childless.” You just don’t have kids. Or maybe whether or not you have children is even an issue.

I personally don’t even like to ask people if they plan on having kids. Which I guess is a good thing, since, according to CNN, not having kids can lead to murder.

Sources: Inability to have child behind TV chef’s murder scheme –

Does It Matter If A Woman In Public Life Has Kids? – Jezebel

All the Single Ladies – Maureen Dowd, New York Times

Jon and Kate Plus 8 DVD Image via

Mar 22 2010

Why a Gall Bladder is Like an Abortion [hcr]


Abortion took center stage in last night’s House vote on the Health Care Reform bill. Jeanne Sager points out why a gall bladder is like an abortion. As someone who has never had an abortion (duh) but has had his gall bladder removed, I liked her reasoning. Read more »

Sep 15 2009

A Clarification on Kanye West

Here's my opinion! Dammit!

Since there may be some confusion (irritation, ignoring, whatever) regarding my seemingly conflicting opinions about the Kanye West / Taylor Swift incident and the Serena Williams outburst, here is a clarification.

Kanye West acted like a jerk. A big jerk. It was a stupid thing to do. It was rude. And so on.

But he didn’t threaten to shove anything down Taylor Swift’s throat. That I would have been up in arms about. He interrupted an award show.

Howard Stern said on the air today that he gets crazy when a man invades a woman’s space, and I can understand that opinion. I still think the public reaction to the whole thing is overblown. It’s a big scary rapper being mean to the willowy blonde girl. She’s so helpless! Please. This is an incredibly successful musician. Do you think someone becomes that famous at the age of 19 by being an innocent?

To be clear: I am not say what Kanye West did was OK. But some of the reactions were way over the top.

Also worth mentioning is the fact Kanye apologized relatively quickly, whereas Serena seemed not to understand what she did. Plus the public reaction to Serena was divided, with some people actually saying that it was OK. Haven’t heard anyone supporting Mr. West. (I guess I’m filling that void. Ha ha.)

Lastly, the two situations aren’t that comparable in my opinion. One is a major sports contest decided based on physical ability. The other is an award for the best music video from a channel that barely plays music videos anymore. Who decides who wins? Viewers, which means it was a bunch of 14 year old girls, which would explain why Taylor Swift won? Not the same.

Image from It has nothing to do with this post. I just liked the picture.

Jun 25 2009

Governor Mark Sanford And His Magic Pants

I'm so sorry... that I got caught... I mean, that I had an affair...

I'm so sorry... that I got caught... I mean, that I had an affair...

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has admitted that he wasn’t hiking the Appalachian Trail, like his staff told the press. He was in Argentina banging a woman. While his wife and 4 kids were home.

See, Sanford did something wrong. And while he admitted it, that’s not really good enough.

Look at this picture. He looks like a lovesick schoolboy. It’s so insulting to any man who has ever resisted temptation. And temptation is out there for everyone.

Affairs don’t just “happen.” You don’t wake up and find your penis inside a woman other than your wife. Ooops! Sorry honey! It has a mind of its own.


So how did the Governor and his mistress meet? According to this site (which is called, so it may not be 100% accurate – the link is work-safe though), “Mark Sanford met Maria back in 2001 in New York and the two developed a friendship after she asked the politician some advice on saving her marriage.” I can imagine the conversation now… “Well, the best way to save your marriage, dear, is to spice up the bedroom! I can help you with that…”

Politically, it’s always amusing when this happens, because the GOP Conservative Hive Mind only assaults Democrats who stray. Check out this gallery of “Cheating Politicans” from the ultra-conservative New York Post. It’s largely Democrats, despite the fact that there have been loads of Republicans as well. There are a couple on there, but the focus is on the Dems. There will be some finger-wagging and tounge-clucking, but nothing like Clinton or John Edwards. Oh, and this from March of 2009. “Small-government conservatives have found their champion.” The problem there is that many conservative leaders add morality to the list of issues they support. Sanford himself invoked God and Christianity yesterday. It’s insanely hypocritical, and insulting. I’m not very religious but if I were, I would find the invokation of God in the face of an extra-marital affair nothing more than a slap in the face. Who the hell do you think you are, Sanford? I’ll tell you. You’re a guy who wanted to dip his wick into another woman. Here’s a quote from his press conference: “I was struggling with regard to where my heart was.” What are you, a character in a John Hughes movie? No. You know why? Because John Hughes wouldn’t write a line as shitty as that one. The only struggle you had was with your dick. Admit it.

Personally, I don’t think the fact that he cheated on his wife makes him a bad Governor, at least not necessarily. But it certainly makes him a bad guy. And from what I’ve seen, he’s not all that sorry. Mostly he’s sorry he got caught.


If you’re interested, here’s more about this moron.

Mark Sanford Mistress Apartment Photo

Mark Sanford and his puppy dog eyes – don’t you just want to give him a hug? And by “hug” I mean “kick in the nuts”.

Mark Sanford Mistress Name Revealed – Maria Belen Shapur – he was helping her with her marriage. By having sex with her. Hey, you’ve got to try, right?

Mark Sanford Emails to Mistress Maria Belen Shapur – WOW. Check this out:

“You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night’s light – but hey, that would be going into sexual details…”

What a fucking idiot.

Image: BumpShack (which could be where Sanford and his ladyfriend got it on. Thank you! I’ll be here all week!)