Jul 21 2013

IGN Commenter Speaks Truth About The Avengers

I finally have a few minutes to pull out my Geek Gold Card and catch up with all of the San Diego Comic Con news. At first I thought the biggest tidbit was the title for Avengers 2Avengers: Age of Ultron. (Insert little nerdy noise here.) Turns out much more was revealed about the many upcoming Marvel superhero movies, plus the announcement that Superman and Batman will do a project together. (I like phrasing it that way because it sounds like I think they’re real people. You know, like The Muppets.)

Me and The Avengers movie.

Personally I prefer The Avengers. Have I mentioned that lately?

Anyway, in this IGN story about footage from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the comments section is briefly hijacked by someone who thinks that the Nolan Batman flicks are more awesome than The Avengers movie. We disagree with this statement. A lot. Enough that we could say mean things. But since it’s not nice to be mean, let us instead share a polite portion from this post:

They are ALL good movies, however Avengers did what superhero movies needed to do. That is all. I win.

That is indeed all. Well, not really. The above was followed someone stating that “the avengers might be one of the most overrated movies of all time, despite the fact I like it, people just give it way too much undeserved adulation“, which itself led to, “Nolan’s batman films are the most overrated comic book movies of all time. Begins actually felt like a comic book. things slowly started to trickle down hill with the dark knight until we received the all over the place plot of The dark knight rises.” (Note: all comments pasted as is, spelling/capitalization/grammar missteps included.) Eventually the thread gets back to what’s really important, which is that there are a lot more superhero movies on the horizon and how awesome that is.

Personally I’m more excited about the upcoming Marvel movies than I am those from the Distinguished Competition. Part of this is because I’m more of a Marvel fan to begin with. (Not that I dislike DC; I love the Justice League cartoon and yack about it so often that even my fellow Geek Gold Card members tune me out when I get going.) Other reasons include:

(a) There are more Marvel movies on the way, and the main goal here is to have as many superhero movies as possible. Preferably one per week.
(b)  Out of the recently released superhero movies, those from Marvel (Thor, Captain America, Iron Man) have been better than those from DC (Green Lantern, The Dark Knight Rises, and even Man Of Steel, although I liked it fine).

The Avengers, of course, is the best of the bunch. Well, the best as of now. Because there’s lots more to come. And that, in the words of Martha Stewart, is a good thing.

Comic-Con: Captain America Honors San Diego with Winter Soldier Footage – IGN

Jun 07 2013

Deadpool Digital Comics On Sale (DaddyDeals)

DaddyDeal for today — Deadpool digital comics are on sale at Marvel.com. Or you could sign up for Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited and read as much Merc With The Mouth as you want.

This deal is being offered in part to celebrate Deadpool’s new video game, which will be released on June 25, 2013. The game is Rated M, as in not for kids. Here’s a trailer. Don’t watch it at work. Or near your children.


Comics featuring Deadpool are generally not kid-friendly, although at some point you may decide your kids are old enough for the joyful juvenilia that Wade Wilson provides.

If you have no idea what I’m babbling about, that’s OK. Although if you like babbling, Deadpool delivers. He has multiple personalities, a healing factor, and a totally reasonable obsession with Bea Arthur. (Yes, I’m serious.) Plus he’s Canadian!

Bottom line: if you want some Deadpool digital comics, you can get ’em for only 99 cents. Such a deal!

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Sale! Digital Comic Collection – Marvel Comics

Apr 08 2013

Marvel Mondays Digital Comics Sale – Runaways (DaddyDeals)

Here’s my feeling about digital comics. I like comics. I like my iPad. So it’s peanut butter and chocolate, right?


(Random aside from the YouTuber who posted the video: “Seriously, who struts down the sidewalk munching on a jar of peanut butter???” Never thought of that.)

Here’s the problem. When you buy a comic book, a plain ol’ dead-tree paper comic book, you have a physical object that you can resell or give away. That’s not the case with digital comics.

HOWEVER. Digital comics are SO much easier. You tap, you download, you have comics. (It’s actually a little dangerous with Apple’s in-app purchasing.) On an iPad with a retina screen, they look amazing. Even on an iPad without a retina screen, they look muy bueno. But you don’t really own anything. If the comic behind the digital sales process disappears, who you gonna call? The Digital Comics Police? Good luck with that.

Therein lies the conflict. What’s a fanboy fangirl fanperson person who enjoys reading comics to do?

For me, I draw a line. Not a line in the sand. Just a criteria. Here’s mine.

With digital comics, I’ve decided that if the price is lower than print, I’m in. If the price is MUCH lower than print, I’m all over it like Rorschach on a can of beans.

Enter Marvel Mondays. Today, April 8, 2013, the deal is a bunch of digital Runaways comics for 99 cents each. That’s a good deal. Since the site says Marvel MondayS (with an s) rather than Marvel Monday (with no s), my guess is that there will be similar sales occurring on — wait for it — future Mondays.

So you take the good, you take the bad, you them both and then you have the facts of comic book life.


Runaways Marvel Monday Sale! Digital Comic Collection – Comics by comiXology.

Apr 03 2013

The Avengers Sound Clips (Links)

A pleasant moment’s time waster for those who dig The Avengers movie. Audio clips of Thor, Captain America, Hulk, everyone. Link is below. Have fun.


The Avengers sound clips – Movie Sound Clips.

Marvel’s The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) at Amazon.com

Mar 22 2013

Super Cute Story About Chris Evans and A 5 Year Old Kid (Avengers)

In case you haven’t seen this totally adorable story about Avengers star Chris Evans and the 5 year old kid he was nice to, DaddyTips will now provide you with a helpful link.

In fact, even if you already heard about it, you can read it again. Ready? Here’s the link. Merry Whateverholidayyoulike.

On the off chance you’ve forgotten that this is an Avengers world now, here is the trailer to remind you.


Marvel’s The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) at Amazon.com

Oct 13 2012

Agent Coulson Lives On “S.H.I.E.L.D.” TV Show (NYCC)

Avengers and Clark Gregg fans rejoice — Agent Coulson Lives!

Breaking News From NYCC

This is listed as breaking news from New York Comic Con (aka NYCC 2012) on Comic Book Resources. We’ll give them the credit because (a) it appears to be deserved and (b) we haven’t seen this news anywhere else. So you go, CBR!

Bottom line — S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson, aka “The Son of Coul”, played by actor Clark Gregg, will have a role of some kind on Joss Whedon’s upcoming Marvel-inspired comic book TV show, which we believe is titled “S.H.I.E.L.D.”

What is unclear is how exactly it will be explained that Agent Coulson is still alive. What is clear is that I’m enough of a fanboy about this particular area of Geek Gold Card land that I don’t really care.

For the uninitiated… Well, hell’s bells, there’s no way to explain this bit o’ nerdy news without giving away one of the coolest moments of the Avengers movie. So if you haven’t seen it yet, please do so. We highly recommend the Avengers Blu-Ray Combo Pack which comes with a digital copy, a regular DVD, and lots of nifty geeky extra features. You could buy it from Amazon.com and have it shipped faster than you can say “tesseract”. Well, maybe not quite that fast. But pretty fast. Or watch it on any of the numerous streaming video outlets.

Seriously, if you haven’t seen The Avengers, that’s OK (sort of). But I watched it again recently and it’s a lot of fun.

NYCC: Coulson Lives In Whedon’s “S.H.I.E.L.D.” (Updated with Photos) – Comic Book Resources.

Jul 15 2012

Robert Downey Jr Surprises Kids at Comic Con (Video)


DaddyTips Featured Video

You know who’s a good dude? Robert Downey Jr. Why do I say this? Because he made a surprise appearance at a kids’ costume costume at the San Diego Comic Con. Want proof? Check out the video below. Read more »