May 10 2012

Let’s Talk About The Avengers Movie

I know this is, like, days after The Avengers movie opened, but I’ve been talking about it non-stop with everyone I see. And while I am usually the person who brings up the topic, no one has yet said, “No! Please! Anything but that!” So let’s talk about The Avengers, shall we?


A number of people have asked me what I thought of The Avengers. They know that I am a proud Geek Gold Card member, and I’ve been yakking about this thing for months, if not years. I’ve been told that people enjoy listening to my yakking about superhero movies because I’m really, really into it. (Note: I am also passionate about other topics, and people have been known to enjoy my yakking about those as well.) I’m going to list some of my thoughts about the film here. This isn’t a review per se, but for those of you who haven’t seen it yet — and why haven’t you? — I may reveal plot elements, etc. That’s a spoiler warning for those who worry about such things. And now — Avanti! (That’s my version of ‘Excelsior!’ It’s not as good, but maybe it will catch on in time.) Read more »

Feb 18 2010

J.D. Salinger Was Captain America’s Dad

J.D. Salinger’s other legacy is giving birth to Matt Salinger, who played Captain America in a crappy Captain America movie

That’s right. J.D. Salinger was Captain America’s dad.

Sort of.

If you’ve never seen the unreleased ‘Captain America’, it’s worth a peek. Especially since you can just watch it for free via Hulu, rather than searching for it at your local video store, which is what I did many years ago.

Actually, you can watch Matt Salinger as Captain America right here. Ain’t technology grand?

J.D. Salinger And Captain America: Where ‘Catcher In The Rye’ Meets Comics [MTV Splash Page]

Apr 14 2009

Weekly Stack – 4-15-09

Another light week! Hot damn. Read more »

Apr 01 2009

Weekly Stack – 4-1-09

This is a new feature here on DaddyTips. We’ll tell you what comic books we’re picking up this week and give you some comments as well. (Sorry hi-falutin fancy pants people, but they’re not “graphic novels”.) Read more »