Jan 01 2017

Don’t Let Kids Eat Lithium Batteries

It may sound obvious but apparently the website Hackaday received a press release about kids eating coin cell batteries, which are made with lithium. Eating said batteries is extremely dangerous. The message is “Don’t let kids eat lithium batteries.” That’s todays DaddyTip.

At first I said “duh”. But then I looked at the little batts. They are EXACTLY the kind of thing a kid might pop into their mouth. Round, small, easy to swallow… frankly, if you’re a little kid and don’t know better, they could easily be mistaken for candy. Now, hopefully you teach your children not to put stuff in their mouths, and/or you keep an eye on them to make sure this doesn’t happen. Still, it’s always good to be reminded.

I do NOT recommend that you show your kids this video, a Canadian PSA about “eating things that don’t belong inside you.” Ah, Canada.

As with most things, the key is to talk to your children and when they are little, and keep an eye on ’em. Better yet, keep the batteries out of reach. Like, don’t leave a box of coin cell batteries next to a dish of candy. There’s the tip.

Happy new year!

Source: PSA: Don’t Let Kids Eat Lithium Batteries | Hackaday

Oct 31 2013

Captain Ultimate Halloween Spooktacular (Comics)

We’ve written before about Captain Ultimate, a kid-friendly comic written by Joey Esposito and Benjamin Bailey, with art by Boykoesh, colors by Ed Ryzowski, lettering and production by Adam O. Pruett, published by Monkeybrain Comics. Guess what? They’re already up to issue #4, and it’s a Halloween Spooktacular!

Captain Ultimate 04 Preview - Cover

According to the official Captain Ultimate blog, issue #4 features “an evil punk rock band, Shakespeare, hot rods, and, of course, buckets and buckets of candy.” The band is called The Pumpkills, which is Spooktacularly awesome. As someone who played in a band many moons ago (click this link to listen to me playing at CBGBs but not when the kids are around because there’s probably some cussing), I was psyched to see music, especially a band who finishes their show by shouting “We hate you! Goodnight!”, feature prominently in the story. And yes, they even quote Shakespeare, something many Marvel Comics writers have done often over the years, beginning with Stan the Man Lee himself. (Spider-Man in particular seems to inspire quite a bit of Shakespeare espousing, but that’s a tale for another time, True Believer.)

As a tremendous cheapskate, I’m very psyched to tell you that Captain Ultimate #4 is only 99 cents over at Comixology. 99 cents! That’s change from your digital dollar.

Still not convinced? Here are some preview pages from Captain Ultimate #4, generously provided to us by the authors.

Captain Ultimate #4 is listed as being appropriate for ages 9 and up. That sounds about right to us, although there is a letter from a parent on this issue’s Ulti-Mail page saying that he shares the comic with his offspring, ages 3 and 5.  As always, use your own judgment about what level of entertainment your kids will tolerate.

Personally we think Captain Ultimate is a good one for the young’uns. The art alone is a huge draw… no pun intended. (Seriously, that was an accident.) The story in issue #4 is good clean fun, with barely anything one would call violence, and not a drop of blood gets spilled. There may be some injured candy, but to say anything more would be a spoiler.

With so many entertainment options vying for your wallet, we think it’s important to support independent publishers and creators. Don’t get us wrong. Spider-Man is awesome. We’re 1000% ready for the new Thor movie. We’ve seen every episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at least three times. The Avengers movie… we might have watched it 15 times so far. And we will watch it again. But it’s important to make room for other stuff as well. After all, Spider-Man was once the new hero on the block.

Buy Captain Ultimate #4 at Comixology

More info at the Captain Ultimate Blog:

Captain Ultimate #4 On Sale Now! | Captain Ultimate

Sep 14 2012

Don’t Steal Anything, But Really Don’t Steal Candy From This Store

Theft is, you know, a crime. That said, I once filched a candy bar when I was a very, very young. Single digits young. My grandmother made me go back and pay for it.

If the store I swiped from had this dude on staff, I doubt I would have been so stupid.

You’ll have to go to the link to see the photo. Think Mr. T without the mohawk. Standing in front of a bunch of bins full of candy. That no one will be stealing from anymore.

EXCLUSIVE: Cobble Hill candy shop hires security guards after 40 teens storm the store stealing sweets  – NY Daily News.

via NYMag, from a nice story about a guy who submitted a cool pic to a contest Ron Howard was doing for Canon, lost the contest, but the photo got him an assignment from The New York Daily News.

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Mar 27 2012

Candy Gives You Energy!

It’s not clear to me what is inside this Super Mario Bros.-themed candy. Whatever it is, it apparently has the power to give you energy.

Break open the crates like in the Super Mario Bros. games and find cool candies that will give you the energy burst you need!

Well then. Glad we cleared that up.

Nintendo Brick Breakin Candy Tin via Midtown Comics.

Apr 12 2009

Star Wars Easter Crap

Star Wars. Easter candy. What could be bad? Read more »