Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category:
Jurassic World vs Jurassic Park – Fun With Ratings (And Some Advice)
I was looking at the dino-sized amount of money Jurassic World made this weekend, and came across this comparison on BoxOfficeMojo.
Ladies and gentlemen — the ‘Jurassic’ Rumble.
Apart from the money (and it’s always about the money, except when it isn’t, although even then the money matters because it’s called “show BUSINESS”, right?), I was intrigued by the ratings. Read more »
Vote in Crown Royal “Your Hero’s Name Here”
Only two days left to vote for your favorite hero in Crown Royal‘s “Your Hero’s Name Here” program. Voting ends on June 7th. Details are below.
As DaddyTips readers know, we’ve been participating in the Crown Royal “Your Hero’s Name Here” events for awhile now. This year there are five Crown Heroes finalists, and they’ve each made a video. Here they are, in a convenient YouTube playlist.
Watch, pick your favorite guy or gal, and head over to to vote. Voting limited to adult consumers only. Drink responsibly.
Here is a photo gallery of each of the Heroes, along with the official 2015 logo for the race, which will be held on July 26, 2015 at The Brickyard, aka the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, aka IMS. (We were there last year. It’s a cool place and a fun event. You should go.)

U.S. Army Sgt. Brendan Marrocco, visits Joint Craig Theater Hospital medical staff during Operation Proper Exit at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan May 28, 2014. The program is intended to gain a sense of commonality and pride for soldiers severely injured in the line of duty. Marrocco talked about his experience and injuries while deployed. Marrocco is currently retired and a native of Staten Island, New York. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Evelyn Chavez/Released)
Don’t forget to vote at! You have until Sunday, June 7.
Related articles (Note: These are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
Conan O Brien and Louis CK Talk Parenting on Letterman
David Letterman‘s last show is tonight, May 20, 2015. I tend to go to bed too early to watch Dave these days, but thanks to YouTube it’s easy to catch what you missed. Here are two fun video clips in which Conan O’Brien and Louis CK talk parenting on Letterman.

English: David Letterman hosting President Barack Obama at Late Show with David Letterman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A couple of editorial notes: the above photo is from Wikipedia and they say it is in the Public Domain. It is not a photo from either of the clips embedded below. Also, for each of the two clips, I included a link to the part where they start talking about parenting stuff, in case you’d rather not watch the whole thing. Who says this isn’t the DaddyTips age of Internet Video Viewing Options?
First up: Conan O’Brien in 2012. Obviously he discusses the NBC Tonight Show kerfuffle. But about halfway through, Conan tells a hilarious story about the time his family got to meet the President, but almost didn’t because, you know, kids.
Next: Louis CK, January 26, 2015. At the 9:50 point in the video, they segue nicely from Deflategate into what values you should teach your children.
See? It’s just three fathers talking about their kids. Celebrities are just like us!
Even though I’m usually in bed by the time Dave’s show starts, I’m sorry to see him go, and not only because it means I’ll never get to be one of his guests. He’s had a great career, and brought a pleasantly caustic sense of humor that will be sorely missed. Congratulations, Dave. Enjoy your retirement.
Related articles (Note: Some of these are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
Avengers: Age of Ultron Link Roundup (Ongoing) – UPDATED
Now that Avengers: Age of Ultron is finally here, and I’ve seen it (twice), I can start reading about it until my eyeballs fall out. This page will have an an ongoing list of links to some of what I’ve read that I found interesting.
UPDATED 5/11/15 (new links after the break; you can tell they’re new because they say NEW LINK.)
As you know, I frickin’ LOVED The Avengers, the first one. To say that Avengers: Age of Ultron isn’t quite as good as the first film is like saying I’m shorter than Shaquille O’Neal. Or, to ever-so-slightly borrow a joke from the movie, that this blog post will be shorter than a Eugene O’Neill play. Bottom line: it was a lot of fun, Joss Whedon did a nice job of balancing all of the myriad demands of a film with a ton of characters and future Marvel Cinematic Universe movies to promote, and I’ve already seen the movie twice and would gladly see it again.
As expected with a summer blockbuster, especially a follow-up to a film as great as The Avengers, the Interwebs are filled with articles and blog posts and charts and click-bait about all things Ultron. I went on Rotten Tomatoes planning to read a few reviews. I got as far as one before being sucked into a rabbit hole (maybe I should say tesseract instead) of Age of Ultron related topics.
Oh, the obligatory Spoiler Alert from this point forward. I’m not going to bother watching what I say about the movie, although this isn’t a review and odds are I won’t reveal anything particularly important. But if you haven’t seen the movie yet and prefer to do so without knowing anything about what happens, stop reading now. Then come back. Don’t worry. We’ll wait. Read more »
Age of Ultron Hard on Joss Whedon Because He Has a Family
Avengers: Age of Ultron ruled the box office this weekend. And before that, it ruled director Joss Whedon‘s life. This was, according to the director, difficult on him because he has a family. Here’s what he said in an interview:
“When I watch it, I just see ‘flaw, flaw, flaw, compromise, laziness, mistake,’” said Whedon. “The reason I set out to make another film is because I wanted to make one that was better, and I wanted to up my game as a shooter and work harder on every aspect of it and sort of give myself up to it in a way that’s hard for me, because I have a family. I started as a writer in low-budget TV, and there was always this element of, ‘This is good enough.’ And with this movie, I never wanted to say, ‘This is good enough.’” (emphasis added)
And now the explanation. Read more »
The Black Widow and Daredevil TV Show We Could Have Gotten
Ah, the 70s. Rich with history. Bell bottoms. Missed opportunities.
This is not one of them.
This photo is from Comic Book Resources (aka CBR), via The Mary Sue, both excellent websites for all things nerdy. Maybe I should say “all things formerly considered nerdy”, since when The Avengers movie makes $1.5 billion, it’s an Avengers world now, which kind of means there are a lot more nerds out there, and therefore how nerdy is it really to be into this stuff?
Answering my own question, caring at all about the fact that David Bowie’s ex-wife Angela Bowie (about whom The Rolling Stones’ song “Angie” may or may not be about, although that’s what most people think, including me until I just Googled it — trivia!) at one time “owned the TV rights to Daredevil and Black Widow”, according to CBR, is pretty nerdy.
This is a picture of the costumes. It is very 70s.
Considering how good the Netflix Daredevil series is, it’s probably for the best that this show never happened. Then again, there was 1988’s The Incredible Hulk Returns, which featured Hulk, Thor and Daredevil. That wasn’t particularly good (although of course I watched it), but it didn’t ruin the current incarnation. (Which really is quite good. You should check it out. Not with your kids, though, unless you have older kids. I’ll write more about it at some point.)
Perhaps it would have been interesting to see what Angela Bowie would have done with the role of Black Widow, since as a CBR commenter points out, “Bowie’s not really the problem in those DD/BW shots, though. That Daredevil costume is ridiculous.”
Indeed it is. But… the 70s. Even the entertainment that never happened was fun.
via The Mary Sue
Related articles (Note: Some of these are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
Watching Great Movies With Your Kids
One of the pleasures of having kids is watching your favorite movies with them. Some are obvious — the original Star Wars trilogy, Superman, Terminator/Terminator II. Less obvious, but still a good choice, is Aliens. Matt Zoller Seitz sums up the experience of watching great movies with your kids nicely on
as we watched, I realized again that while unfortunately you can’t see a great movie again for the first time, the next-best thing is to show it to people who’ve never seen it.
(Note: the photo above has nothing to do with this article or the article on I just thought it was a fun pic of characters from Star Wars.)
Well put. I’m not sure what the right age is to watch Aliens, since it’s a bit scarier than Star Wars and Superman. As always, we at DaddyTips advise using your own judgment when it comes to deciding when your children are ready to see certain movies. It’s definitely something that varies from kid to kid, and of course also from parent to parent. A lot of the movies I saw when I was as a kid I saw in theaters when I was younger than I might want my own kids to see said movie. The Jerk, for example. Or a number of R-rated films that I saw because it was a different time. Movies have changed, ratings have changed, kids have changed.
Sometimes it’s not even about the rating. For example, Star Trek: The Motion Picture is rated G. But without a background in the Trek characters, it’s impossible to appreciate the movie. And I personally feel it’s good parenting to make sure your children have seen Space Seed (the first appearance of the late, great Ricardo Montalbán as Khan Noonien Singh) before they see Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
To be honest, Aliens wasn’t even on my list of flicks I wanted to watch with my kids, but there’s no reason it shouldn’t be. When they’re the right age, of course.
via Notes on watching “Aliens” for the first time again, with a bunch of kids | MZS | Roger Ebert.