Apr 17 2012

Let Us Say Goodbye To The Space Shuttle Discovery

I got a bit misty-eyed watching this video of the Space Shuttle Discovery flying for the last time. It was on the back of an airplane, but that’s still flying.

Kids don’t get excited about the space program anymore, which is too bad. When I was a lad, space shuttle launches were a very big deal. Now, not so much.

I remember very clearly gathering around a TV set in school to watch Discovery launch. Not sure what it will take to get kids excited about space exploration again, but I hope somebody figures it out soon.

For more about the final voyage of the Space Shuttle Discovery, and what NASA is up to these days, visit NASA.gov.

Update—Jeffrey Marlow has some ideas about Making Space Cool Again at Wired.com.

Goodbye, Discovery: Legendary Space Shuttle Takes Its Final Flight (Gizmodo)

Apr 16 2012

DC Comics for Kids C2E2 Panel (Video)

Tiny Titans - Welcome To The Treehouse

Yes, Virginia, there are comic cons in places other than San Diego. (Maybe even in Virginia.) Here’s a video of the great Art Balthazar and Franco discussing their new DC Comics series Superman Family, which will replace Tiny Titans.

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Apr 03 2012

Small Wonder Intro (DaddyTube)

Here is the intro to the wacko TV show Small Wonder.


“She’s fantastic / Made of plastic…” Are we sure this isn’t a Lennon/McCartney tune?

via 25+ Greatest TV Shows of All Time for Kids – Parenting.com

Feb 23 2012

Zac Efron Drops Condom on Lorax Red Carpet—VIDEO

The Lorax, the book

The Lorax. The book. Not the movie.

Here is the video of Zac Efron dropping what appears to be a condom while walking the Red Carpet for The Lorax. Read more »

Dec 11 2011

Good Sportsmanship in the Giants Packers Game

As I was traveling back from my DaddyTips Road Trip to Las Vegas (courtesy of Crown Royal), I watched almost all of the Giants-Packers game. Even though I wanted the Giants to win (for those who missed it/don’t care about the NFL, they lost), I wanted to point out the good sportsmanship on display during the game. Read more »

Dec 09 2011

The Complete Video History Of ‘Muppet Sports’ [Links]

Worthington Super Links

Here’s a really fun link from Midwest Sports Fans — The Complete Video History Of ‘Muppet Sports’. Read more »

Nov 29 2011

Chris Paul and Son Press Conference [DaddyTube]

DaddyTips Featured Video

In honor of the NBA lockout ending, we present this clip of Chris Paul and his son during a press conference as our DaddyTips Featured Video.

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