Feb 06 2009

Usain Bolt Celebrates Really Early

This is funny.
Remember that Usain Bolt guy? The one who ran faster than, well, anyone else on the planet?
[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzSpPaCIG0g 285 247]
Via Buzzfeed.

Aug 21 2008

Steve Parry looks like Michael Phelps

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9OOXXnDugM 285 247]

Well, all caucasians look alike to me.

Aug 16 2008

I win – BLEHHH

Jared Tallent celebrates his Bronze medal by vomiting

It was so hot outside during the Men’s 20k Walk — that’s right, the WALKING event — that Australian Jared Tallent puked his guts out all over the track right after winning the Bronze medal. Read more »

Aug 12 2008

Watching the Olympics

Some thoughts while I watch the Olympics.

–    Michael Phelps: I think PTI has a point when they say that maybe we could wait until the guy actually wins all the medals before we say that he’s “the greatest Olympian of all time!!!!!” or whatever. On the other hand, NBC got me to pay attention, so I guess they’re doing something right.
–    Women’s Gymnastics: Read more »