Jul 24 2009

Passing On The Craziness – Moon Landing Hoaxes

DaddyTips Feature

Crazy Jim's
One surefire method to ensure that your child grows up to be a lunatic is to expose them to conspiracy theories at a young age.

Children are impressionable. Combine that natural openness with the idea that “Dad is a figure of a Godlike knowledge” and bingo! They’ll believe what you tell them.

Now, we know this is not entirely true. When one of the first couples in my circle of friends had a son, I kept trying to tell him at a barbecue that there were aliens on the roof. He just looked at me and said, “No. You’re wrong,” with a big dopey grin on his face.

Luckily, the Internet offers “proof” of numerous crackpot theories. One the crackpottiest is the idea that the 1969 moon landing was faked.

One piece of “proof” is the “fact” that the flag the astronauts planted on the moon was blowing in the wind. But! There is no  wind on the moon! And here is video “proof”!


Here is “We Never Went To The Moon” by UFOetry, or as I like to call it, “Moon Hoax Music You Can Dance To.”


This is all, of course, a load of crap. In the interest of equal time, here is a clip from the show Mythbusters debunking the flag waving business.


There’s lots more from both sides, of course. For anti-hoax material, check out the moontrue channel on YouTube. But what fun is that? Wouldn’t it be much better to have your son or daughter grow up just like Realitysurfer, who actually took the time to confront Buzz Aldrin and ask him: why should we believe that you were on the moon? Where is your proof, sir?


So if you want your kid to grow up to be a crazy person, try showing them all of this “proof.” That way you can support them financially forever! Won’t that be fun?

Image: Archive.org