Posts Tagged ‘comics’
Child Care At San Diego Comic-Con?
Have you ever wanted to go to San Diego Comic Con (officially known as Comic-Con International: San Diego, I think) but didn’t know what to do with your children while you were there? Turns out the Con has child care!
I don’t know why I found this bit of news surprising. Maybe I need to get out more. (OK, I definitely need to get out more, but that’s a different issue.) Read more »
Deadpool Digital Comics On Sale (DaddyDeals)
DaddyDeal for today — Deadpool digital comics are on sale at Or you could sign up for Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited and read as much Merc With The Mouth as you want.
This deal is being offered in part to celebrate Deadpool’s new video game, which will be released on June 25, 2013. The game is Rated M, as in not for kids. Here’s a trailer. Don’t watch it at work. Or near your children.
Comics featuring Deadpool are generally not kid-friendly, although at some point you may decide your kids are old enough for the joyful juvenilia that Wade Wilson provides.
If you have no idea what I’m babbling about, that’s OK. Although if you like babbling, Deadpool delivers. He has multiple personalities, a healing factor, and a totally reasonable obsession with Bea Arthur. (Yes, I’m serious.) Plus he’s Canadian!
Bottom line: if you want some Deadpool digital comics, you can get ’em for only 99 cents. Such a deal!
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Sale! Digital Comic Collection – Marvel Comics
Superhero Animation On Demand
As promised, here is a list of Superhero Animation that you can watch on demand. Some notes/comments/caveats:
– Most recent update: April 30, 2013
– All are available via Netflix unless otherwise indicated.
– Titles listed may suddenly become unavailable… or even better, new titles may show up. Such as Batman Beyond and Justice League which are now on Netflix. The greatness of this fact cannot be overstated.
– This page may be updated when new shows are added. I’m also going to make a different page for live action superhero programming. Because I’m cool like that. And I have a Geek Gold Card.
– This may shock some of you, but I have something to say about every single one of these shows. Therefore I will write posts for each entry as time permits. Check back for updates.
Without further ado, here is the list. If you know of anything I missed, leave a comment or contact me directly. This is important stuff, folks. Read more »
Wise Words From a Mighty Avenger
I tweeted this already, and perhaps it’s tacky to quote yourself. That said, what does tacky really mean when it comes to social media? I wanted to make sure that as many people, parents in particular, read these wise words from a mighty Avenger:
“The metal of the human spirit is forged upon the anvil of sorrow.” Thor, Avengers Issue 87. Writer: Roy Thomas, Editor: @therealstanlee
— Brett Singer (@brettsinger) April 16, 2013
Yes, that’s from a comic book. Good stuff, right?
The Avenger in question is Thor, in case you didn’t catch that in the tweet. The great words, written by Roy Thomas, with art by Frank Giacoia, appeared in issue number 87 of The Avengers, published in 1971. You can read it online with a Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited subscription, which I highly recommend because it’s awesome.
What else is there to say except, in the words of the great Stan Lee… Excelsior!
Marvel Mondays Digital Comics Sale – Runaways (DaddyDeals)
Here’s my feeling about digital comics. I like comics. I like my iPad. So it’s peanut butter and chocolate, right?
(Random aside from the YouTuber who posted the video: “Seriously, who struts down the sidewalk munching on a jar of peanut butter???” Never thought of that.)
Here’s the problem. When you buy a comic book, a plain ol’ dead-tree paper comic book, you have a physical object that you can resell or give away. That’s not the case with digital comics.
HOWEVER. Digital comics are SO much easier. You tap, you download, you have comics. (It’s actually a little dangerous with Apple’s in-app purchasing.) On an iPad with a retina screen, they look amazing. Even on an iPad without a retina screen, they look muy bueno. But you don’t really own anything. If the comic behind the digital sales process disappears, who you gonna call? The Digital Comics Police? Good luck with that.
Therein lies the conflict. What’s a fanboy fangirl fanperson person who enjoys reading comics to do?
For me, I draw a line. Not a line in the sand. Just a criteria. Here’s mine.
With digital comics, I’ve decided that if the price is lower than print, I’m in. If the price is MUCH lower than print, I’m all over it like Rorschach on a can of beans.
Enter Marvel Mondays. Today, April 8, 2013, the deal is a bunch of digital Runaways comics for 99 cents each. That’s a good deal. Since the site says Marvel MondayS (with an s) rather than Marvel Monday (with no s), my guess is that there will be similar sales occurring on — wait for it — future Mondays.
So you take the good, you take the bad, you them both and then you have the facts of comic book life.
Runaways Marvel Monday Sale! Digital Comic Collection – Comics by comiXology.
The Avengers Sound Clips (Links)
A pleasant moment’s time waster for those who dig The Avengers movie. Audio clips of Thor, Captain America, Hulk, everyone. Link is below. Have fun.
The Avengers sound clips – Movie Sound Clips.
Marvel’s The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) at
Super Cute Story About Chris Evans and A 5 Year Old Kid (Avengers)
In case you haven’t seen this totally adorable story about Avengers star Chris Evans and the 5 year old kid he was nice to, DaddyTips will now provide you with a helpful link.
In fact, even if you already heard about it, you can read it again. Ready? Here’s the link. Merry Whateverholidayyoulike.
On the off chance you’ve forgotten that this is an Avengers world now, here is the trailer to remind you.
Marvel’s The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy) at