Sep 06 2008

Blackwolf the Dragon Master at Big Apple Con

[youtube: 285 247]

If you don’t know who Blackwolf is, here’s his website, which won’t really help. Read more »

Sep 06 2008

TV-Bizarre Foods

Travel Channel has a new show where guys you wouldn't talk to eat food that looks gross. Hey! Sounds great!On this new program from The Travel Channel, two guys – one looks like half of a Hall & Oates cover band, the other like Matt Pinfield’s father – eat really weird crap that might make you ill just looking at it.

I’ll take Shows I Won’t Be Watching for $400, Alex.

Sep 03 2008

Banned Condom ad

[youtube: 285 247]

The guy looks like Jon Bon Jovi. But that’s not why its funny.

Sep 02 2008

Who Let The Jews Out?

[youtube: 285 247]

Aug 28 2008

Protesters say F Fox News

[youtube: 285 247]

In Denver, outside the Democratic Convention. These protesters don’t believe in freedom of speech! Because they won’t talk to some jerk from Fox News! Ah, election years…

Aug 22 2008

How to Make a Mummy

“Step One: Extract Internal Organs.” OH! Right, I always forget to do that.

[youtube: 285 247]

Aug 21 2008

Bill Cosby Picture Pages

[youtube: 285 247]