Feb 05 2009

Obama Sings Single Ladies

Not really. But it’s a good impression. Check it out.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PqI12R8YNU 285 247]

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Feb 02 2009

VIDEO-Fan Streaking When Cardinals Make Super Bowl

They LOST. But this was when they won the NFC Championship game against the Eagles.

Not how I would choose to celebrate, nor would I immortalize the moment on YouTube.

NSFW video after the jump. Read more »

Jan 22 2009

John Lennon – Woman Is The N-Word of the World

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eE2zMENLU8 285 247]

Can we still listen to this now that Obama is President?

Kidding. Read more »

Jan 18 2009

Great Moments In Presidential Speeches Compilation

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxkpm7bH7j4 285 247]

From the Letterman Show.

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Jan 10 2009

Awkward Boob Grabs by Clay Aiken and Others

You know, there’s nothing wrong with grabbing a boob. If you’re, you know, dating the person. And in private. In public it seems like a bad idea. Especially if you’re Clay Aiken. Read more »

Jan 08 2009

Traffic Reporter Jennie Stencel Raps

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU0XB_OdI_8 285 247]

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Jan 08 2009

Local News Reporter Pulls Stuff Out of Her Bra

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOPMfDdyeyQ 285 247]

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