Jul 20 2009

Bert and Ernie Death Metal

There appear to be dozens of these on YouTube, but this one stays with the dynamic duo of The Street, Bert and Ernie. It rocks.


Jul 20 2009

Banned German Sprite Ad – BJ – NSFW


This ad is not safe for work. Or television. At least not in this country, or in Germany apparently. The question I have is who thought this would air anywhere? Maybe as an extra feature on a porn DVD. But seriously, it’s pretty extreme for a soda ad. Again — not safe for work. At all. Worth watching, though.


Source: Buzzfeed

Jul 16 2009

Famous Folks With Bad Boy Names

Bad BoysAccording to a report by “Shippensburg University professor David Kalist”, certain names for boys can lead to a rough life for the lad. (The name of the school sounds pretty suspect to me, frankly.) Names that are “unpopular, uncommon or feminine.”


Here’s a selected list of the offending male monikers. Let’s see if there are any famous people with these names, shall we?

Alec: Baldwin. A little kooky but a great actor. And Guinness. Not so kooky (as far as I know) and a great actor. Neither one seems like a nancy boy. And Baldwin is damn funny on 30 Rock:

Ivan: um, The Terrible? Hello?

Kareem: Abdul Jabar. ‘Nuff said.

Luke: Fictional characters include Skywalker, and Luke Spencer, of Luke and Laura fame. Neither one is terribly studly. So this one, maybe.

Malcolm: X. Malcolm freakin’ X.

Walter: Payton. Football player. Many people feel he was the greatest running back of all time. (I’d go with Jim Brown myself, but Payton isn’t exactly Reggie Bush or some other marginal player.) Here’s a video:


Walter Payton died in 1999, but his coach, Mike Ditka, is still around. You tell him Walter is a “feminine” name. I dare you.

Source: Babble

Image: Amazon

Jul 15 2009

Celine Dion Better As Michael Jackson Than As Herself

This video is indeed bizarre. But honestly? I think she sings better when she’s doing a Michael Jackson impression tribute than when she sings her own garbage.

via Buzzfeed

Jul 15 2009

Stuff I Loved That My Kids Don’t Care About – Godzilla


Man, did I love me some Godzilla. All the Japanese monster movies. I used to watch them on Channel 9, WOR, in New York.


My kids? Eh. They don’t seem to care about the big scaly lizard. Or Mothra. Or Rodan. None of ’em.

To be fair, my kids have a lot more choices than I did. They can call up anything that we have on Tivo whenever they like. There’s also DVDs, video on demand, YouTube. They need my help for those, but they know it exists, and they know how to ask for it. Me, I had to turn on the television and hope there was something on that I wanted to watch.

What’s funny, now that I think about it, is how much I enjoyed what I found. We didn’t have cable. I grew up in the Bronx, which didn’t get cable TV until the 1980’s. Maybe the 1990’s, I’m not sure. We didn’t even have a color television until I was into double digits. (Yes, I’m not young, and mom was not made of money.) Sure, I watched some crap. Heckle and Jeckle comes to mind. There’s a reason you don’t see those two magpies much anymore. The show kinda sucked. But it was on, and sometimes that’s all that was on. I seem to recall that in the morning before school, this was the only animated show on the air. This was when I was very young, maybe 5 or 6 years old, in Kindergarten.

But I also got to see some cool shit. Like Godzilla. And Mothra. And Rodan.

I’ll keep posting shows I used to watch, the good and the bad, right here. Got any shows that you remember? Leave us a comment, or email daddy AT daddytips dot com.

Jul 14 2009

Crap I Used To Watch – Heckle and Jeckle

Man does this cartoon stink. But it was on. So I used to watch it.


Jul 14 2009

Hitler Finds Out Sarah Palin Resigns

DaddyTips Featured Video

This is very amusing.

“Every time she winked, I thought it was just for me.”

Yes, Adolf. I think a lot of maniacs were also duped. So sad.
