Apr 26 2010

Barney and Dora Unnecessary Censorship [Jimmy Kimmel Live]

I never thought Jimmy Kimmel was particularly funny but I’ve decided I was wrong. For example, check out Barney and Dora Unnecessary Censorship.


I always knew that Barney was trouble.

YouTube – This Week in Unnecessary Censorship (Jimmy Kimmel Live)

Apr 09 2010

Tree Branch Falling On Power Lines [DaddyTube]

If your children don’t believe you when you say that electrical outlets are dangerous, or if you just want to scare them, show them this video of a tree branch falling on power lines.


You can also share this with your brood if they just like watching things catch fire. Although if that’s the case, you may not want to encourage such behavior.

Feb 18 2010

J.D. Salinger Was Captain America’s Dad

J.D. Salinger’s other legacy is giving birth to Matt Salinger, who played Captain America in a crappy Captain America movie

That’s right. J.D. Salinger was Captain America’s dad.

Sort of.

If you’ve never seen the unreleased ‘Captain America’, it’s worth a peek. Especially since you can just watch it for free via Hulu, rather than searching for it at your local video store, which is what I did many years ago.

Actually, you can watch Matt Salinger as Captain America right here. Ain’t technology grand?

J.D. Salinger And Captain America: Where ‘Catcher In The Rye’ Meets Comics [MTV Splash Page]

Jan 15 2010

Junior Seau Castrates a Horse

This should be a headline from The Onion. But it’s not.

OK, Junior (seems odd to call a grown man that but whatever) castrated the horse on his TV show, Sports Jobs, which airs on the “is that actually a” channel Versus.

But. Um. Junior Seau Castrates a Horse. Why?

Actually, there was an Onion bit that this reminds me of. In their fake TV listings section, a network was airing a show called “Would You Watch That?” “How about a bear eating a birthday cake?” the description asked. “Would you watch that?”

How about Junior Seau castrating a horse? Would you watch that?

Now you can. Who says family TV is dead?

Junior Seau Castrates a Horse — Back Porch FanHouse.

Nov 25 2009

Superman as a Deadbeat Dad

“Superman Returns” was a lousy movie. I didn’t much care for it. But the person who posted this clip to YouTube really really REALLY hated it.

Like, really. A lot.

Read (many, many misspellings follow):

Bryan Singers aweful “Singerman Repugnant” is a disgracful presentation of possiblely the most celebrated fictional character known to the world. His horrible casting of Lois Lane as a common whore who would have sex with two men so close in time intervals that she would not realize that the baby she had was not the child of the second man. Not even that is the main charcteristic flaw. Lois Lane was always depicted as a woman of such strong character that Superman was the only man of equally strong person that she could ever love.

Wow. But there’s more:

Brayn Singers Lois Lane is a common whore and his Superman is a weak image of a man whom would be licking a womans boots begging for attention if not for his powers.

“Lois Lane is a common whore.” How dare you, sir!

The video has even more in the way of embedded commentary. Check it out.


Source: YouTube

Oct 15 2009

Balloon Boy Rap Video

DaddyTips Featured Video

Falcon Heene, aka Balloon Boy, has a rap video. Sort of.

Falcon’s dad is Richard Heene. The family appeared on ‘Wife Swap’ awhile back. Apparently this video features all three Heene brothers rapping. Really.


So… Maybe sending a kid up in a balloon isn’t all that out of character for the Heene family.

Hopefully the kid is all right. This is a strange story.

For more about the Heene family, check out this post on Babble’s Famecrawler.

Source: NewsBizarre

Oct 08 2009

Chris Hansen Confronts Roman Polanski

DaddyTips Featured Video

In case you haven’t seen this, you should. Very well done.


It also shows what an incredible pig Polanski is. According to Movieline, the Polanski footage is from a 1987 interview with Diane Sawyer. “We were in love”? Is he insane? How can anyone defend him?

BigHollywood via UpRoxx