May 17 2010

Dio on South Park [RIP Dio]


This clip of Ronnie James Dio on South Park serves two purposes.

One, it’s a video of the metal legend, who just died of stomach cancer. (RIP Dio.) Two, it makes fun of home-schooling.

via RIP Ronnie James Dio AV Club Newswire

Dio – Clips – South Park Studios

Dio Holy Diver CD image via

May 12 2010

Dad Saves Baby From Car Crash [Real Life Superheroes]

Maybe it happened two years ago, but when a dad saves a baby from a car crash, I think that’s worth mentioning.


Aussie father [Andrew Leitch] was captured on CCTV clinging desperately to his son Haydn after taking the full impact of car smashing into him and a shop front.

In other words, he saw a car hurtling towards him while he was holding his baby, and put his body between the car and the kid. According to Asylum, he said, “I was thinking I can take the hit. I can repair, but there’s no way my son is going to repair.” Good on ya, mate. (It happened in Australia, so we can say that.)


Shocking Car Crash Footage Shows Father Taking Full Impact to Save Baby –

May 01 2010

Watch Out For Satan [Wacky Religious Stuff]

Everyone knows that we should watch out for Satan. But did you know how the Evil One tries to get you? Huh? Huh?


“I personally believe that Satan does work through inanimate objects.”

See, that’s when I would get up and leave. Quickly.

If Satan did exist, would he/she/it really bother with people like this? They’re so fucking dull. They think it’s interesting to listen to uninteresting jackoffs like the guy in this video. I’d like to think that if Satan were looking for folks to corrupt, he would go for people that seem like they could be fun, but also gettable. Reminds me of something a group of gay men once said on the Howard Stern Show about producer Gary Dell’abate, which is that one reason they were attracted to him is that he seemed kind of “gettable.” I have no idea what they mean by that, except to say that I guess those particular gay guys must look at Gary and think he can be “turned.” So if you follow my logic here (and I realize it isn’t that easy to do), if Satan is looking at a room full of nitwits who listen to a guy who says things like, “I personally believe that Satan does work through inanimate objects,” and actually stick around to hear more of that person has to say, why the hell would he bother trying to convert them? They don’t sound very gettable to me.

via Everything Is Terrible

Apr 30 2010

Moms On The Net [It’s All Fun And Games Until Fabio Arrives]

This is weird. You have to hang with it. Trust me, the ending is worth it. As a YouTube commenter put it, it’s all fun and games until Fabio arrives.


It appears to be a legit ad for whatever the hell it is that they’re selling. That’s probably the weirdest part of all. Well, that and the Fabio guy.

via Everything Is Terrible

Apr 29 2010

Kidz Bop Gangsta Rap [Parody]

This YouTube video, Kidz Bop Gangsta Rap, is a parody of the inexplicably popular Kidz Bop series.

Not safe for work, which I guess is the point. Also lots of n-word thrown around. I’m inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt although who knows. It appears to be in context. I mention it mostly because I don’t want you to play this video at work or within earshot of your children — there’s the aforementioned n-word, as well as the original lyrics of songs like Akon’s ‘I Want to F**k You’, which was changed to ‘I Want to Love You’ for radio.


It’s basically the kind of thing I used to do with my friends into a cassette tape recorder. I was a little younger I think, but I also didn’t have access to video or the Internet.

Pretty sure we stayed away from the n-word too. Although to be fair, I haven’t heard those tapes in awhile.

Not to go far off topic here, but the n-word is one of the few words that makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like white people saying it, unless it’s in a comedy routine, which I suppose is why I keep making excuses for the dopey kids in this video. The argument that Rush Limbaugh and others sometimes make — that if black folks can say it, why can’t white people — is foolish. I’m not going to tell black people what they should call each other. Personally I think it might be a good idea to stay away from the n-word, since it has such a strong negative history and gets misappropriated by nitwits. But the word isn’t the problem.

If my kids made this video, I think I would make them take it down. Let them wait until they have a job on SNL before they start throwing around the n-word.

Still, this is fairly amusing for a non-pro video.

Apr 29 2010

Lloyd Blankfein Looks Like Wallace Shawn [Princess Bride vs Goldman Sachs]

Is it just me or does Lloyd Blankfein look like Wallace Shawn?

When I saw Blankfein’s photo on the cover of yesterday’s New York Times, I immediately thought of Wallace Shawn in The Princess Bride.

Watch these two videos and see if you agree.

Lloyd C. Blankfein in Senate Testimony


Wallace Shawn in The Princess Bride, inconceivable


“Intentionally profiting from the economic downturn? Inconceivable!”

Apr 27 2010

Tony Joiner Kisses Tim Tebow [Video]

It was a MANLY kiss. Nothing gay about that.
