Jan 27 2011

Fox In Socks Read Super Fast

The title of the page where I found this video is Fox In Socks by Dr. Seuss Read Super Fast, but I don’t feel a need to add the author’s name. If you don’t know who wrote Fox in Socks, you’ve got more issues than Life Magazine and I can’t help you.

Anyway, as you can see, anything with the word “fox” in it can get dangerous when said too quickly, somewhat like playing The Name Game with Chuck. (Chuck Chuck, Bo Buck, Banana Fana Fo Fu…. G’night, ladies and gentlemen!) Video probably safe for work (unless you work somewhere really uptight, in which case you shouldn’t be watching YouTube videos there anyway), debatably safe for kids, depending on your willingness to accept that fact that they may start saying “fox” over and over again really really fast, at which point it will eventually start to sound like a different f-word that has one more letter than the word fox. Again, figure it OUT, people. Do I have to do everything around here?

Here is Fox In Socks Read Super Fast on stage:


And here is Fox In Socks Read Super Fast without applause in the background, which is funnier in my opinion:


via LaughingSquid and a billion other places.

Jan 03 2011

Female Sports Reporters Get Treated Like Crap

Today’s lesson for the boys — women should be treated with respect. For example, female sports reporters get treated like crap. They shouldn’t be.

ESPN’s Rod Franklin was “pulled off ESPN’s Saturday Fiesta Bowl radio broadcast by ESPN executives” according to Sports By Brooks. What did he do? He called reporter Jeanine Edwards “sweetcakes”. When Edwards, who is female, said “don’t call me sweetcakes, I don’t like being talked to like that,” Franklin replied, “okay then, a–hole.”

What a charmer.

I don’t watch college football much, and I hadn’t heard of Jeanine Edwards. So I Googled her. Admittedly, I did it to see what she looks like. Because I’m a guy. Here’s the first video that pops up, Billy Clyde Gillispie tells Jeanine Edwards she asked a dumb question.


Nice, right? I’m sure Gillispie would have said that to a male reporter.

Through the wonders of YouTube Suggestions, up pops Bruce Pearl feels up Erin Andrews.


Again, I’m SURE this would have happened if Pearl were being interviewed by Stuart Scott.

Those are both clips from ESPN. This next little gem is courtesy of a fan with a cell phone camera. Here is Rey Maualuga grinding on Hotty Erin Andrews.


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Look at that. Are you serious? Was Rey Maualuga raised by wolves?

Unfortunately, probably not. A lot of guys seem unaware that there is a behavior line that shouldn’t be crossed; “they just don’t get it”, to bring back a popular phrase from the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas days. Jezebel points out that Ron Franklin has made similar comments in the past. And look at what happened with Ines Sainz and the Jets earlier this year. I can guarantee you that very few of the players and coaches who were involved in hooting, hollering, and trying to get a better look at her ass think that they did anything wrong. They all need to learn what Bill Clinton never could — that “harass” is one word.

Obviously I’m not immune to looking at women. This post started because I wondered if Jeanine Edwards was hot. The difference is that I’m a guy with a laptop Googling someone’s name. I’m not putting my hands on a woman. Or sneaking up behind her like a serial killer. Or even referring to her as “sweetcakes”, followed by “a-hole” when she tells me to cut it out.

Women are allowed to be hot, and to get jobs that based in part on their hotness. Erin Andrews is a perfect example. Not that she’s not a good reporter; I have no idea if she is or isn’t. I do know that she’s way hot. Which is why someone creep made a video of her showering, which led to her appearance on Dancing With The Stars. If she looked like Ernest Borgnine, would either of those things have happened? It’s OK for her to want to be looked at, and it’s OK for me to look at her. It is not OK for her to be spoken to in a rude manner based solely upon her being female. It is even more not OK for her to be touched, fondled, or be subjected to backdoor grinding, especially when she’s trying to do her job.

In case this seems like a double standard, here are some visual aids.

This video is tacky (and a tiny bit amusing). It is the work of an anonymous person with minimal video/photo editing skills. It is certainly in poor taste but doesn’t really hurt anyone.


This video is of a gigantic guy physically imposing himself on a woman who is doing her job. It’s ridiculous behavior.


Do I want my kids to be making videos celebrating Erin Andrews’ posterior? I would hope that they would be more creative and have better things to do. I wouldn’t care if they watched it, however. (When they’re older.) But if they thought it was acceptable to speak to a woman with disdain due to her gender? Or worse, put their hands on her, or sneak up behind her and make grinding motions because they think she’s hot?

Here’s a tip. Make sure your boys know that it’s one thing to be Beavis with your buddies. It’s another to be a Butthead in public. Make sure they know how to treat women with respect.

Dec 01 2010

Bert and Ernie Ante Up [DaddyTube]

This video of Bert and Ernie doing M.O.P.’s Ante Up is a justification for the existence of YouTube.


via @jimn via @iancr

Nov 16 2010

First Official Cars 2 Trailer

Want to see the first official Cars 2 trailer? We’ve got it!


Cars is actually my least favorite of the Pixar films, although that’s kind of like choosing the worst Jimi Hendrix song. It’s still better than 99% of the crappy kid movies that arrive every year. Besides, I might as well resign myself to seeing Cars 2 when it comes out since the kids will want to go.

via The Daily What

Nov 09 2010

Driscoll Middle School Trick Play Video

The Driscoll Middle School Trick Play video is burning up the charts on the Interwebs. Here it is, for your viewing pleasure:


Nice, right? With all the talk about kids getting hurt playing football, this is one way to avoid a big hit. Assuming nobody decides to waste the kid as he strolls down the field.

I somewhat wonder if the play is against the rules. If so, it’s still fun to watch. Reminds me of the hidden ball trick from ‘The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training.’ Can’t find a clip of the movie, but here’s a real life version of the hidden ball trick.


OK, it’s college baseball. That’s kind of like real life.

Jun 21 2010

Groucho Sings About Fathers [Daddytube]


Via Roger Ebert’s Twitter

Jun 09 2010

Superfriends Stop The Oil Spill [Cartoons to the Rescue]

DaddyTips Featured Video

The Superfriends know how to stop the oil spill. Or at least they have some experience with oil spills.

This clip is from way back in 1980.


Funny how this was a problem thirty years ago and still nobody seems to know how to fix it. OK, funny is the wrong word. Disturbing? Negligent? Criminal? All of the above?

I talked about this clip, the BP oil spill, and how Sarah Palin blames environmentalists for the disaster on my radio show/podcast last week. Listen to it here.

Clip from YouTube via The AV Club, James Cameron enlisted by EPA to help plug Gulf oil leak