May 02 2014

Tweets Tweets and More Tweets (Tweets)

Tweets. Tweets. Twitter! It’s all about The Twitter. Except when it’s all about The Facebook. Or The Google. Those are The Big Three, I think. Oh! The YouTube. So much for (un)holy trinities.

Emergency "Twitter was down so I wrote my...

Emergency “Twitter was down so I wrote my tweet on paper and photographed it and posted on flickr” : Satire on internet culture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Anyway, here are some tweets we stumbled across that we decided to share with you.

How this works, parents using Bing to get a free tablet for their child’s classroom, I have no idea. But Microsoft has done stranger things so we figured it was worth sharing.

Nathan Rabin is a funny guy. Also a very good writer. Pick up his books, any of them. They’re good.

Apparently I follow Jimmy Fallon on Twitter. (I badly need to look at my Twitter account. By the way, are you following me @brettsinger? You should. I’m very interesting.) Anyway, here Mr. Fallon tweets a rather kindly worded review of Seth Rogen’s latest film, Neighbors. The tone matches Fallon’s general image, which is that he seems like a nice guy.

And here’s a photo of Jimmy Fallon, because why not.

Jimmy Fallon


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