Posts Tagged ‘mister rogers’
Netflix Giveth, Netflix Taketh Away, September 2015 Edition
Via The Mary Sue (originally via Death and Taxes), a list of what will be added and removed from Netflix in the month of September in the year 2015. A highly selective micro-list follows. For the full list, head over to The Mary Sue.

taro taking his pictures for netflix ‘ads’ (see more here: ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Notable losses:
Sept. 30
Apocalypse Now
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
World War Z
Notable gains:
Sept. 1
First Blood (1982), Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), Rambo III: Ultimate Edition (1988) – So, like, ALL the Rambo.
Masters of the Universe (1987)
Mister Roger’s Neighborhood: Volume One – this is interesting. I’ve said in the past that it saddens me to know that children are growing up without Mister Rogers in their television lives. (My kids didn’t get to watch him, but he was important to me.) Will the show work as something to be streamed? I don’t know.
Sept. 12
Portlandia: Season Five – even when this show is bad, it doesn’t bother me. There’s something soothing about it. I’m not caught up, so it’s possible that they’ve run out of ideas by now. Still, I’ll probably watch when I get the chance. Side note: Carrie Brownstein wrote a book and is doing a reading in NYC in October. Anyone wanna go with me?
Sept. 18
Keith Richards: Under the Influence (2015) *Netflix Original – this *could* be interesting, as long as it isn’t too long and overly sanitized.
Sept. 22
SMOSH: The Movie (2015) – I was surprised to see this. It’s from the goofy guys who are mega YouTube stars. Here’s one of my personal favorites: a 7-year-old describes the Twilight movies based on the trailers. Semi-NSFW. My kid showed me this years ago.
Anyway, it would appear that they made a movie. Good for them. No, I mean actually good for them, not Christian Bale gooooood for them. I like it when people succeed.
Many, many more movies and TV shows coming and going from Netflix in September 2015. Hit the link below for the full list.
Source: Here’s What We’re Losing (and Gaining) on Netflix in September—Starting Tomorrow | The Mary Sue
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Mister Rogers Remix Justifies Existence of Auto-Tune
This Mister Rogers Remix video from PBS’ Digital Studios is so good that it actually justifies the existence of Auto-Tune.
Mr Rogers – Unnecessary Censorship
[youtube: 285 247]