Jan 27 2011

Fox In Socks Read Super Fast

The title of the page where I found this video is Fox In Socks by Dr. Seuss Read Super Fast, but I don’t feel a need to add the author’s name. If you don’t know who wrote Fox in Socks, you’ve got more issues than Life Magazine and I can’t help you.

Anyway, as you can see, anything with the word “fox” in it can get dangerous when said too quickly, somewhat like playing The Name Game with Chuck. (Chuck Chuck, Bo Buck, Banana Fana Fo Fu…. G’night, ladies and gentlemen!) Video probably safe for work (unless you work somewhere really uptight, in which case you shouldn’t be watching YouTube videos there anyway), debatably safe for kids, depending on your willingness to accept that fact that they may start saying “fox” over and over again really really fast, at which point it will eventually start to sound like a different f-word that has one more letter than the word fox. Again, figure it OUT, people. Do I have to do everything around here?

Here is Fox In Socks Read Super Fast on stage:


And here is Fox In Socks Read Super Fast without applause in the background, which is funnier in my opinion:


via LaughingSquid and a billion other places.