Posts Tagged ‘DC animated universe’
Justice League cartoon helps my kid answer a science question
My son just made me very happy.

He was taking a physics exam and said something from the Justice League cartoon helped him answer a question.
It had something to do with x-rays not being able to pass through lead, and that’s what they did with Superman.
So there you go! Superhero animation is educational.
Thoughts on Wonder Woman and “Wonder Woman”
“Wonder Woman” has arrived and it’s a hit! This is a good thing for many reasons, not the least of which is that the movie is actually pretty good. Here are some of my thoughts about both the character and the new (hit) movie.
(Note: the above is a screenshot from Wonder Woman’s first TV appearance, which apparently was on “The Brady Kids“.)
The Movie
It’s pretty good! I say this with the understanding the film has been deemed to be more than pretty good by Rotten Tomatoes. If you read those reviews, though, as I did, you will find that although the vast majority of them are indeed positive, there are some complaints, which is fair since there are no perfect movies. (Not even my beloved Avengers movie.)
Down to brass tacks. (Which sounds painful.) “Wonder Woman” is very entertaining. Read more »
Watch Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths for Free
Apparently you can watch the animated Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths for free on It’s on The Flash’s official twitter account, so it must be true.
Check it:
See @DCComics heroes battle their evil counterparts in Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths:
— The Flash (@CW_TheFlash) June 1, 2016
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this, although I can’t say for certain, which isn’t a great sign. Although it’s also a sign of aging. In other words, don’t take the fact that I can’t remember seeing something as a sign that it’s no good.
Actually, now that I look at the Wikipedia page for this direct-to-DVD DC animated universe superhero movie, I’m more confident that I’ve seen it. The writer is the late Dwayne McDuffie, who was extremely talented and died much too young. As I recall, I liked it, just not as much as I liked Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, both of which McDuffie worked on and are among my favorite cartoons, along with Static Shock, which I really hope they release on DVD because it’s so damn good and why the hell hasn’t this happened yet?
Anyway, free stuff you can watch legitimately. Go figure. (Kidding.) Here’s the link. Enjoy.
Related articles (Note: These are offsite links; DaddyTips takes no responsibility for outside content.)
Watch These Creepy New Justice League Cartoons
I’ve said many times that I am a huge fan of the DC Animated Universe (sometimes called the Timm-verse, in honor of Bruce Timm). My personal favorite is Justice League, both regular and Unlimited. (Most people say Batman: The Animated Series is better but they’re wrong.) Now Bruce Timm has returned to his old stomping grounds… sort of. Here’s the scoop:
Justice League: Gods and Monsters is a full-length animated movie that will be released on Blu-Ray, DVD and digital download on July 28. But you don’t have to wait that long to get a taste of what it will be like. There are three shorts, two available now, one more coming on Friday. The title is Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles. Here are the first two episodes, “Twisted” and “Bomb”. Do NOT watch them with your kids. They are creepy. Seriously. I mean it. Read more »