Apr 08 2013

Marvel Mondays Digital Comics Sale – Runaways (DaddyDeals)

Here’s my feeling about digital comics. I like comics. I like my iPad. So it’s peanut butter and chocolate, right?


(Random aside from the YouTuber who posted the video: “Seriously, who struts down the sidewalk munching on a jar of peanut butter???” Never thought of that.)

Here’s the problem. When you buy a comic book, a plain ol’ dead-tree paper comic book, you have a physical object that you can resell or give away. That’s not the case with digital comics.

HOWEVER. Digital comics are SO much easier. You tap, you download, you have comics. (It’s actually a little dangerous with Apple’s in-app purchasing.) On an iPad with a retina screen, they look amazing. Even on an iPad without a retina screen, they look muy bueno. But you don’t really own anything. If the comic behind the digital sales process disappears, who you gonna call? The Digital Comics Police? Good luck with that.

Therein lies the conflict. What’s a fanboy fangirl fanperson person who enjoys reading comics to do?

For me, I draw a line. Not a line in the sand. Just a criteria. Here’s mine.

With digital comics, I’ve decided that if the price is lower than print, I’m in. If the price is MUCH lower than print, I’m all over it like Rorschach on a can of beans.

Enter Marvel Mondays. Today, April 8, 2013, the deal is a bunch of digital Runaways comics for 99 cents each. That’s a good deal. Since the site says Marvel MondayS (with an s) rather than Marvel Monday (with no s), my guess is that there will be similar sales occurring on — wait for it — future Mondays.

So you take the good, you take the bad, you them both and then you have the facts of comic book life.


Runaways Marvel Monday Sale! Digital Comic Collection – Comics by comiXology.