Jan 07 2015

Kindle Book Sale (DaddyDeals)

A lil’ post-holiday season DaddyDeal — big ol’ Kindle Book Sale.

$1.99 each. That’s not bad.

One of the titles is this:

Shame on You

That seems like the 50 Shades of Grey influence. Or maybe these filthy, filthy books were always out there, but now they are more heavily promoted.

But don’t worry. There’s also stuff for the kids!

Sneezy the Snowman

Bottom line: lots of Kindle books for $1.99 each. Now through January 25, 2015. Check Amazon’s website for details. Prices subject to change. Your mileage may vary. You probably shouldn’t buy that book with the handcuffs on the cover for your kids. But you knew that.

Amazon.com: Kindle Book Sale: Kindle Store.