Oct 29 2013

New Dirty Sock Funtime Band Album Out Now

The Dirty Sock Funtime Band has a new album out now. You should go buy it because it’s really good.

The Dirty Socks Come Clean - New album from The Dirty Sock Funtime Band!

New album from The Dirty Sock Funtime Band!

Full disclosure: we’ve known The Dirty Sock Funtime Band members for awhile. But I have no problem recommending their music because it’s very, very good. If Frank Zappa made kids music, it might sound a little like the Dirty Socks.

That’s not a pejorative, by the way. This may technically be kids music, but it’s more like kid-friendly music. I’ve been walking around singing National Hiccup Day since I first listened to the CD. It’s catchy. (Like hiccups. Get it? Couldn’t resist.)

Here’s the official tweet from the band announcing the album’s release:

Check out their Twitter feed @TheDirtySocks for photos, updates, and fun stuff like Mr. Clown showing up at a classroom in New York City to hand out CDs!

Here are some tracks from the new album, The Dirty Socks Come Clean.

We’ll write more soon. For now we wanted to make sure everybody knows that the new album is available.

For more Dirty Sock goodness, visit their website, check ’em out on the Facebook, the Twitter, and the YouTubes.

May 12 2013

Mama’s Song (Official Video) – The Dirty Sock Funtime Band

In honor of Mother’s Day, DaddyTips Featured Video is a new one from The Dirty Sock Funtime Band — Mama’s Song.

Here’s an explanation from the band’s official YouTube page:

Over the last few months we’ve asked families to share photos of mom with her loved ones and received over a HUNDRED AND FIFTY wonderful photos, proudly featured in our music video for “Mama’s Song”.

FYI, “Mama’s Song” is on The Spin Cycle EP. Buy it here.

Mama’s Song (Official Video) – The Dirty Sock Funtime Band – YouTube.

You should also buy the other Dirty Sock Funtime Band albums because they are awesome. Links below.

And oh yeah — Happy Mother’s Day!