Sep 03 2017

This is not a good reason to have a baby

Currently at the Top of the Charts on Reddit:

If i get my wife pregnant around next week, i will get a 2 week paternity leave during world cup next year from Showerthoughts

Read the comments. They funny.


And you’ll have a brand new alarm clock to wake you up at 3AM to watch the game, depending on what time zone you’re in.

Ha, amateurs. You just sleep at night like normal and when the wife says “it’s your turn” you roll over and act like your the heaviest sleeper in the universe. Totally unrelated to why I’m divorced, she said I didn’t listen or something.

Maybe it’s just ‘cuz my work gave me a month paid paternity leave but I loved the newborn age. They sleep like 18 hours a day. And no real complicated needs. Cuddles, food, diaper, burp, etc. It’s not like they wake up from a nightmare with an existential question like “What happens when we die? How do we know nightmares aren’t real and this is just a dream…”Admittedly even when they are sleeping all the time when they are up won’t necessarily coincide with when you may have wanted to be up, but so long as you nap when they do it’s awesome.
I miss naps..

I miss naps too.

Also, warning: some of the comments are nasty. But, you know, reddit, Internet, whatevers. There’s some good stuff too. Enjoy.

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Mar 05 2014

The Lilly Ann Workout Video Is Very Cute

Via The Today Show, a cute viral video called The Lilly Ann Workout features a father exercising with his 7-month-old daughter Lilly Ann.

DaddyTips Featured Video

It takes a real man to take personal training orders from a baby. Thank goodness Michael Stansbury was up to the task.

Well said! (Credit to Lesley Kennedy from for those words.) Watch the video here.

Feel the burn, daddy! 7-month-old baby ‘works out’ with father in viral video –

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Feb 20 2014

Baby Poop Bacteria Makes Healthier Sausages?

Here’s a phrase I didn’t think I’d hear today. Baby poop bacteria. Apparently what winds up in your baby’s diaper could help make healthier sausages.

Worthington Super Links

Note: there is no baby poop in the above product. As far as we know anyway.

Sausage in general does not fall into the category of “health food” to the best of my knowledge. Phrases like “how your Fox News sausage is made” are meant to be a pulling back of the curtain, showing you things you don’t want to know. For example, a “beef sausage” contains beef. What kind of beef? You don’t want to know. And so on.

A friend of mine sent me a link to this story on, via LiveScience. It’s not that anyone wants to eat baby poop. (At least I hope not.) It’s the bacteria, probiotics in particular, that scientists were looking into.

The two kinds of bacteria used most often in probiotics, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, are far more abundant in infant poop than in adult excrement. In addition, “infant feces are natural samples, easy to obtain,” Jofr said.

“Easy to obtain” indeed. Babies are poop machines. Extracting the healthy bacteria from the baby poop is not something that everyone knows how to do, though. Isn’t it marvelous that we have scientists to do these things for us?

I guess. If you’re a scientist, this is the sort of thing you do. Are there poop scientists? Poop-ologists?

Personally I  avoid sausage. But that’s me. I do take probiotics (as opposed to ANTI-biotics, a connection I only recently made). And I eat non-dairy yogurt, which has the live bacteria this article talks about. Not necessarily the same live bacteria, or as much of it. I’m not an expert on these matters. This should not be considered health advice. See your doctor if you have an erection lasting more than four hours. Sorry, wrong sausage.

Anyway, it is unlikely you will see baby poop sausages on store shelves anytime soon. And as gross as the topic is, it did make me think about my overall gut health, which is important.

Baby-poop bacteria help make healthy sausages | Fox News.

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Feb 10 2014

Tim Armstrong Distressed Baby Parent Speaks Out (A-O-HELL-No)

The parent of a “distressed baby” that AOL’s Tim Armstrong blamed for cutting employee benefits is speaking out.

The second logo for AOL, used from 2006–2009

Here’s a link to an article Deanna Fei wrote for’s DoubleX. The title?

“My Baby and AOL’s Bottom Line”


“That ‘distressed baby’ who Tim Armstrong blamed for benefit cuts? She’s my daughter.”

An article on Gawker’s ValleyWag by Nitasha Tiku makes the claim that the AOL CEO “has a history of targeting pregnant employees,” citing specific examples of past behavior, including a lawsuit dating to Tim’s time at Google. If you want to get really nauseous, read some of the comments.

Tim apologized. A couple of times. Doesn’t seem to be helping.

Bottom line? Smooth move, Tim. Stay classy.

Tim Armstrong blames “distressed babies” for AOL benefit cuts. He’s talking about my daughter. (via Slate DoubleX)

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Jan 21 2014

Bring Back The Cry Room To Movie Theaters

From Mental Floss, a trip down movie theater memory lane for some, a history lesson for others (the stuff on this list is before my time, despite what my kids may think). It’s worth reading, but I was drawn to the last item, The Cry Room:

Those elaborate movie palaces had many amenities that not every neighborhood theater had, including “cry rooms.” A cry room was a soundproofed elevated room in the back of the theater with a large glass window in front so Mama could still watch the movie (and hear it over a public address system) while trying to calm down a fussy baby. Many theatres that provided cry rooms also came equipped with electric bottle warmers, complimentary formula, and a nurse on duty.

Anyone who has ever experienced someone else’s cranky kid at the movies would likely welcome the return of The Cry Room.

Now let’s all go to the lobby!

via 11 Things We No Longer See in Movie Theaters | Mental Floss.

Sep 17 2013

What Does It Cost To Raise A Baby? (Links)

 Worthington Super Links

Baby, You’re Expensive! – Redfin Real Estate Blog.

via AlphaMom

Aug 14 2013

This Is Why You Have Passwords

I object to the use of the term “hacker” in this story. I prefer “schmuck.” That said, I suppose it’s not unfair for CNN to call the schmuck who… OK, fine. Someone HACKED into a baby monitor and said nasty things to a little kid. This is why you have to password protect everything.

I don’t want to be unkind to the parents involved; the above image is meant to be a little joke. According to the CNN story, the family whose monitor was hacked (I wish I could think of a better term) did have passwords turned on. I don’t know what that means. Is it possible that the alleged schmuck/hacker was so desperate to insult this little kid that he (I believe the CNN story said it was a he) worked extra hard to crack the codes and deliver his foul-mouthed message?

Perhaps there is more to this tale than meets the eye. Or not. Either way, have good passwords.

Foul-mouthed hacker hijacks baby’s monitor –

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